from the 'did you know' files:
there are currently 22 wars going on in africa, 4 of which have claimed over 800,000 lives. one of the local newspapers in vancouver, the province, ran the following headline yesterday: 'police shoot family dog'.
good lord.
there are currently 22 wars going on in africa, 4 of which have claimed over 800,000 lives. one of the local newspapers in vancouver, the province, ran the following headline yesterday: 'police shoot family dog'.
good lord.
I honestly believe that the problem is most folks in countries that can affect change have never been to Africa, cannot picture what is going on or imagine the scope of it all, and thus have an easier time brushing it off.
My travels in the past two years have caused my attittude to take a 180 degree turn. I don't stand outside of Burger King with picket signs, but I try to educate my friends and family on what's going on "over yonder", and eliminate any false information they might have.
Even worse than the wars, however, is the death rate caused by HIV/Aids. That right there breaks my heart.