Job Search Status: 
I've been looking for a full-time job in either Web Design/Development, Interactive Design, or Flash Animation/Development. So far, FAIL. Though, I can't say I'm surprised. I mean, I don't think I have any work that isn't creepy in some sort of way. I need to do more work that fits the social norm, to show that I can in fact create things that don't involve blood or doom.
With that being said, I've decided that my best plan of action would be to get a full-time job as a receptionist or anything related to that. I figure I would do well with that sort of job, having worked in an admissions office for 5 years and worked full-time as a secretary at a moving company. And while I'm doing that, I can do freelance stuff on the side and build up my portfolio.
Come August, I'll be off of my parents insurance. So, I really need to get a job with benefits so I can continue to get my medication, contacts, and so on.
I've applied to three places so far:

I've been looking for a full-time job in either Web Design/Development, Interactive Design, or Flash Animation/Development. So far, FAIL. Though, I can't say I'm surprised. I mean, I don't think I have any work that isn't creepy in some sort of way. I need to do more work that fits the social norm, to show that I can in fact create things that don't involve blood or doom.
With that being said, I've decided that my best plan of action would be to get a full-time job as a receptionist or anything related to that. I figure I would do well with that sort of job, having worked in an admissions office for 5 years and worked full-time as a secretary at a moving company. And while I'm doing that, I can do freelance stuff on the side and build up my portfolio.
Come August, I'll be off of my parents insurance. So, I really need to get a job with benefits so I can continue to get my medication, contacts, and so on.
I've applied to three places so far:
- American Academy of Art, Administrative Assistant
- Michael Walters Advertising, Front Desk Assistant
- Goltz Group, Assistant to Art Gallery Director
If anyone knows of anything I could apply for, please let me know!
Ya the job market is a little slow right now. It's hard to find a go career anywhrere you go these days hope something comes your way soon
woww q pics nena.. fuertes!