Thank-you to everyone that enjoyed the new picture! Sorry I didn't respond to anyone/everyone.
I was damn busy with finals and such. Buggah!!
But, I'm finally done with the fall semester. It was an interesting one, I'll have to say...
Time Based Composing was good. I got 124 out of 100 on the final exam. Woo!
I'm not too proud of the work I did in there, because I couldn't spend all my time on it, but I nevertheless got A's on the projects. Here's two of 'em (both have sound):
Authoring Interactive Media 2 was hilariously-awesome, because I still can't quite say what the class was all about. I wrote this in a previous blog:
For our first project, we have to design and implement a website that bridges research, creative strategies and expressive communication. That's fine and dandy...but we had to write a 10-page paper as our research! And of course, my dumb-ass decides to choose the topic of Multiple Personality Disorder. A-weeee...
So, I built my little website, la-dee-da...and then I learn that our websites are actually going into a gallery at Columbia. Buhh?!? This project randomly becomes our websites in this gallery, and trying to figure out the best way we can showcase our sites. It was a cool idea, but we should have been more prepared for it. So, it was a flop. And if that wasn't floppin' enough:
"Project 1 was a first attempt to coordinate your work across both virtual and physical spaces, now you're going to push that further. The final exhibition will be at COMA (, which will create new physical conditions to solve. The name of the game here is to make the most out of your Project's strength as a Web presentation, and to make the most of a space+event to extend and amplify the audience's experience with your Project."
That sounded like a cool idea too, until he told us that websites usually didn't go so well at this gallery, and that he'd be much happier if we made a physical art-piece instead. FLOP #2.
Our crap was shown there on December 13th. I didn't go, but I heard that it was awkward as hell. Haha!
All in all, though, it was a good experience. You can view my website and my classmates' websites here.
Intro to Programming: Theory and Concepts started awesome because of the teacher I had, Frank Crist. We became friends through our mutual friends, and he was just an all-around "cool" guy.
On week 7 of class (10/17), he didn't show up.
Instead, we had 3 other teachers come to tell us the bad news:
Just the night before (10/16), while alone in his home office, Frank slipped off of a ladder and died. We still haven't been given exact details, but my guess is that he hit his head or neck on the edge of something.
That was definitely a horrible day. I don't know what else I can add to that.
Columbia College's Student Life online magazine devoted an issue in memory of Frank. The write-up is here.
Guh...I should have talked about that class last.
*pulls self together*
Intro to JavaScript was probably the most interesting IAM class out of the bunch. This is because I had no idea how to do any JavaScript whatsoever. Our final project was to make a custom web browser. It was neat.
Oh, and my teacher was really nice, too.
And let's not forget Self Identity and the Mind-Brain. How could you forget about this epic-sounding class? Hmmm?!? Well, I actually don't have much to say about it. I learned a lot, but I am just sooo damn burnt out on the subject. At one point, I think even the teacher wanted to run around the room screaming. It was a lot of deep thought...maybe too much deep thought for the morning hours.
Next post will probably be my grades.
I was damn busy with finals and such. Buggah!!
But, I'm finally done with the fall semester. It was an interesting one, I'll have to say...
Time Based Composing was good. I got 124 out of 100 on the final exam. Woo!
I'm not too proud of the work I did in there, because I couldn't spend all my time on it, but I nevertheless got A's on the projects. Here's two of 'em (both have sound):
Authoring Interactive Media 2 was hilariously-awesome, because I still can't quite say what the class was all about. I wrote this in a previous blog:
For our first project, we have to design and implement a website that bridges research, creative strategies and expressive communication. That's fine and dandy...but we had to write a 10-page paper as our research! And of course, my dumb-ass decides to choose the topic of Multiple Personality Disorder. A-weeee...
So, I built my little website, la-dee-da...and then I learn that our websites are actually going into a gallery at Columbia. Buhh?!? This project randomly becomes our websites in this gallery, and trying to figure out the best way we can showcase our sites. It was a cool idea, but we should have been more prepared for it. So, it was a flop. And if that wasn't floppin' enough:
"Project 1 was a first attempt to coordinate your work across both virtual and physical spaces, now you're going to push that further. The final exhibition will be at COMA (, which will create new physical conditions to solve. The name of the game here is to make the most out of your Project's strength as a Web presentation, and to make the most of a space+event to extend and amplify the audience's experience with your Project."
That sounded like a cool idea too, until he told us that websites usually didn't go so well at this gallery, and that he'd be much happier if we made a physical art-piece instead. FLOP #2.
Our crap was shown there on December 13th. I didn't go, but I heard that it was awkward as hell. Haha!
All in all, though, it was a good experience. You can view my website and my classmates' websites here.
Intro to Programming: Theory and Concepts started awesome because of the teacher I had, Frank Crist. We became friends through our mutual friends, and he was just an all-around "cool" guy.
On week 7 of class (10/17), he didn't show up.
Instead, we had 3 other teachers come to tell us the bad news:
Just the night before (10/16), while alone in his home office, Frank slipped off of a ladder and died. We still haven't been given exact details, but my guess is that he hit his head or neck on the edge of something.
That was definitely a horrible day. I don't know what else I can add to that.
Columbia College's Student Life online magazine devoted an issue in memory of Frank. The write-up is here.
Guh...I should have talked about that class last.
*pulls self together*
Intro to JavaScript was probably the most interesting IAM class out of the bunch. This is because I had no idea how to do any JavaScript whatsoever. Our final project was to make a custom web browser. It was neat.

Oh, and my teacher was really nice, too.
And let's not forget Self Identity and the Mind-Brain. How could you forget about this epic-sounding class? Hmmm?!? Well, I actually don't have much to say about it. I learned a lot, but I am just sooo damn burnt out on the subject. At one point, I think even the teacher wanted to run around the room screaming. It was a lot of deep thought...maybe too much deep thought for the morning hours.
Next post will probably be my grades.

how is 2008?