"wow, you're lucky"
I'm about sick of hearing people tell me how fucking lucky I was to survive my small incident. What's the point of survival when you dont really live at all.
I mean, how lucky am i? i total my car (after getting stood up three days in a row) get a new one...and the transmission goes out the first day. and THEN it gets towed and I once again owe alot of money to get my ass rimmed by the system.
this is how fucking lucky i was to sruvive a carwreck.
plus i'm having a sexual harassment suit pulled on me by someone whom I've never seen and I have the pleasure of knowing that tomorrow morning 7000 mexicans will be waiting on the phone to chew me out for this shitty insurance...
Oh yeah and the guitarist of my supposed band quit because I was being overly dramatic about it all...so fuck it...
I'm about sick of hearing people tell me how fucking lucky I was to survive my small incident. What's the point of survival when you dont really live at all.
I mean, how lucky am i? i total my car (after getting stood up three days in a row) get a new one...and the transmission goes out the first day. and THEN it gets towed and I once again owe alot of money to get my ass rimmed by the system.
this is how fucking lucky i was to sruvive a carwreck.
plus i'm having a sexual harassment suit pulled on me by someone whom I've never seen and I have the pleasure of knowing that tomorrow morning 7000 mexicans will be waiting on the phone to chew me out for this shitty insurance...
Oh yeah and the guitarist of my supposed band quit because I was being overly dramatic about it all...so fuck it...
::tears in eyes:: s'ok.... it'll get better. or maybe it won't, but that's ok... you'll get used to it. (sending happy vibes to you)