It's still strange being back here. It many aspects, it feels like I never left. But at the same time, it also feels like I left an entire life behind in San Bernardino.

Berdoo wasn't the most interesting place, but I made a lot of friends there. Friends that I saw every day. It was nice being different as well. Aside from my height (6'4),...
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...got boring, so now I'm playing GTA V.

What a great story, right?


I have nothing really new or specific in mind. I want to continue to write and hopefully get published some more. Getting a band together would be cool too. I have a friend who plays drums and I play bass. The key will be finding a guitarist who actually plays with the band. A singer that isn't an egotist would be nice.

I guess I'd...
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Haven't really been active on here lately; I've just been checking out my feed and a few sets here and there. But since I've seen quite a few Christmas blogs, I thought I'd write one too.

This is actually my first Christmas away from Australia. I'm currently staying in San Bernardino and I've been studying here since September. I've been in America since August. I...
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The third Hangover move in the trilogy is coming out - well, that's if you can call the 1 and 2 "two different movies". I don't know if I'll go and see it. A part of me wants to, just to see if they've changed the formula at all. I remember watching an interview with Todd Phillips and he had the audacity to say they...
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Right now I'm listening to songs from Pennywise's "Unknown Road" album. I was really disappointed when they didn't play anything from it on their reunion tour, because it really was one of the formative punk albums for me. It was the step up from Green Day, The Offspring and other corporate bands with the label punk*. To this day, Unknown Road is still the only...
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Major guilty pleasure songs right now:

Please don't judge me...