...I decided to create an Ask FM account. Not sure how committed I'll be to the premise, but in case you're interested: ask.fm/theironstein
I actually got to meet one of my biggest crushes growing up:
Was a pretty amazing experience. She even said she liked my shirt... which I won't lie, kind of made me feel a little light-headed.
A few others were Alyssa Milano, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jessica Alba and Mandy Moore... and those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.
My flippant response would be everything I know... because if I learned everything sooner, I could learn even more than I know now.
But my serious answer would be that taking care of your hair is important... at least if you want to keep it. When I was younger, I had really long hair and I didn't take care of it very well. Used to...
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Staying up late binge-watching David Bowie videos on YouTube... I regret nothing.
I wish I were building a shelf or something, but all my DIY projects involve some sort of file on my computer. I majored in Creative Writing at University, so I'm usually doing something writing related.
I'm trying to write a song based on a bunch of thoughts I was having as I was falling asleep. It's generally the time of day where I get
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San Bernardino, CA
Not exactly known as being a "holiday destination", but it's certainly one of mine, since I have a lot of friends there. Outside of the ugliness that happened and the general sketchiness of the downtown area, the mountains really are amazing.
San Diego, CA
To this day I think San Diego is one of the most amazing places I've been to. I
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This is a really hard question to answer, because I'm an impulse buyer.
Let's get one thing clear; that doesn't mean I spend my money recklessly. In fact, a lot of the time when I'm not spending, I'm actually saving my money so I am able to impulse buy... if that makes sense.
So, let's see... three things.
1) A new bass would be nice....
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