Look at me, being a good student doing his homework:
1) I'm left handed.
2) I am a Creative Writing major. I'm currently in my final year of Undergrad. I enjoy writing in various styles, formats and genres. I have a particular interest in sports writing, but I'm willing to get any writing job so that I don't have to go back to my old career.
3) *SHAMELESS PLUG* When I'm not doing university work or on SuicideGirls.com, I've been writing and recording my own tracks. It's a slow process at the moment, but I do have one of my tracks online: soundcloud.com/kennyyoungmusic
4) My height gets commented on a lot, since I am 6'4. I like playing basketball, but aside from hitting the occasional 3, I'm not that great at it. I used to get schooled by far superior athletes when I studied in Southern California.
5) I have a fairly irrational fear of toads and frogs. Pretty strange, considering I live in Australia and there's apparently far worse creatures for me to be scared of.
6) I never say that I don't care (at least now, anyway), because in all honesty, I always do. I think everyone does, otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to broadcast to the world that they don't. That's my opinion anyway.
7) I much prefer a good glass of wine than wasting a night getting drunk. I've had plenty of great drunk nights, but if I want to alter my consciousness, I'd prefer to go to sleep. The strongest psycheadelic drug is made by your brain, after all.
8) I will respect anyone's right to religion, as long as they respect my right to lack one.
9) I once chipped by tooth because I kicked a basketball against a fence, which came back and hit me in the face. You can't make that shit up.
10) As much as I try, I never have a regular sleeping pattern. It's something I'll probably be paying for later in life.