Wednesday Sep 27, 2006 Sep 27, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Another kick ass SGDC event. Thanks to everyone who came out! Details (and pics!) soon. VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS corinthia: I would've liked to come but I really needed a low-key weekend after the last few, plus transportation was an issue. I'll be there next time! Meanwhile, haven't checked out the new venue of Bound yet. How is it, have you been? And isn't my friend Helen adorable? (from SMBX) Sep 29, 2006 corinthia: Ach! I disapprove of clubs requiring cars to get to. It's fucking DC, how hard is it to get it near a Metro stop? Sep 30, 2006
Meanwhile, haven't checked out the new venue of Bound yet. How is it, have you been?
And isn't my friend Helen adorable? (from SMBX)