I was too timid to post this in the boards, because I knew I'd get some bullshit like "Use the search engine" or "HA! Who talks about Randomness Chat anymore?" or something like that. But, I really do want to know. What happened to Randomness Chat? Was it just too bugged up for anyone to carry on a conversation? I remember the last time I tried, it was so slow I was 15 minutes behind some people...meaning the could see my responses and video 15 minutes after it was initiated. Or did the chat just slowly dwindle away? Was their too much peen? Can someone fill me in? I do miss you guys a lot and I'd like to just chat with you all sometime...especially now that I'm using James' sweet, sweet top speed internet. Posts can be fun and all....but there's nothing like a nice conversation with the unique friends I've made here...especially since I've got a lot of catching up to do with all of you.
I hope you doin well.
We miss ya round here more.