Spending most of my time at the moment on a research project which has to do with common societal ideas of drugs and their benefits and harms. Ironically what I've found so far is most people say marijuana is the only drug with any possible health benefit. They describe the next safest drugs as being ones that are commonly used recreationally but unfortunately don't really...
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So the show last night was awesome I had high expectations and it was even better than that =D so yeah i'm in a pretty good mood today even though i only got a few hours of sleep before school and then my first class ended up being canceled. Leaving early last night sucked but it was either that or sleep on the streets of...
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i hate my school =D
it is effectively the worst college ever
Salem State represent
it is effectively the worst college ever
Salem State represent
Thank you.
Darkbuster rocked my soxors cept the set was a little short and yeah i can't take the people at hempfest seriously but what the hell it was fun
I talked to emily today and it was good of course due to the shittiness of life i have to make a decision cause now all the girls i've been interested in are all of a sudden...
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I talked to emily today and it was good of course due to the shittiness of life i have to make a decision cause now all the girls i've been interested in are all of a sudden...
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Darkbuster tomorrow thank the fucking lord I definitely need to blow off a little steam.
You know what really chaps my ass societal views of women, well i guess not really societal but certain individually held beliefs such as women being "delicate and mystical creatures" with "untapped power" and crap women are people motherfucking people some are mystical some are not i've had cats and...
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You know what really chaps my ass societal views of women, well i guess not really societal but certain individually held beliefs such as women being "delicate and mystical creatures" with "untapped power" and crap women are people motherfucking people some are mystical some are not i've had cats and...
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I effectively PWNED my last english paper so take that literiture (crap i need to figure out how to correctly spell that) now i think i'm gonna go get some sushi and wrap up an incredibly tiring day on a relatively positive note...as long as the spicy tuna is good =)
then i'm gonna play some NES, EQ, or UT2K4 and go to sleep tomorrow...
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then i'm gonna play some NES, EQ, or UT2K4 and go to sleep tomorrow...
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God damn ice cream flavoured milk is the secks! people definitely don't give it the respect it deserves
I was browsing around some stuff and stumbled upon this statement this is exactly why men hate feminists:
"Sexual harassment perpetuates the interlocked structure by which women have been kept sexually in thrall to men and at the bottom of the labor market. Two forces of American society converge: men's control over women's sexuality and capital's control over employees' work lives. Women historically have been...
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"Sexual harassment perpetuates the interlocked structure by which women have been kept sexually in thrall to men and at the bottom of the labor market. Two forces of American society converge: men's control over women's sexuality and capital's control over employees' work lives. Women historically have been...
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So it would appear that in the wee hours of the morning steve irwin (the crocadile hunter) got seriously fucked up (read:killed) by a sting ray...what a way to die stingrayed in the heart. I liked that crazy guy and the way he got all excited about the animals =/ oh well that's life but damn i think i'm gonna go have a cheer up...
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i am of an extraordinarily foul disposition tonight