All I do is go to work, come home, sleep and go to work again. I have no friends. I haven't 'gone out' in longer than I can remember. I wish Cassandra had never left. I wish I'd never met Mandy.
I feel completely alone. The only people I see are the ones I work with, and they're in such a different world. They're either happily married with kids or divorced and as miserable as I am. And they're allmost all alot older than I am; I really feel I have nothing in common with any of them. There's a girl about my age, but she acts like she's 15 and just discovered boys. She has a different boyfriend every other week, and all she talks about is going out and drinking and partying; I can't relate to that. I have nothing in common with her, either, other than the occasional shared childhood experience, and those few and far between. I hate my job with a passion. Why did I bother going to college? I have two degrees, but it doesn't do a damned bit of good. People say it's this area, but I sincerely doubt this area is much different than the rest of the country. I used to send out alot of resumes and call to try and get interviews but I haven't seen anything I'd even care to apply for in ages.
I sincerely can't see a point in life. 2006 was the worst year of my life, and 2007 isn't shaping up any better. I lost a good job. I lost the love of my life, only to shortly after fall into the clutches of a miserable harpy bitch bent on making me miserable. I lost another job. I'm sick constantly. I don't like doctors, but I feel like I should have some sort of check up at this point. I have no insurance and no money, though. They sold my house, and the current owners are retarded hippies who make my life even more miserable with their ridiculous demands and hypocrisy. Some days I feel like Job. I miss my band. I miss singing so much. I sing in the car, that's it these days. I tried to start a new band a few months ago, but couldn't find a guitarist and the bassist lost interest after a few weeks of waiting.
I wish I had someone to talk to.
I wish. I don't know what good it does, but god damnit I wish.
I feel completely alone. The only people I see are the ones I work with, and they're in such a different world. They're either happily married with kids or divorced and as miserable as I am. And they're allmost all alot older than I am; I really feel I have nothing in common with any of them. There's a girl about my age, but she acts like she's 15 and just discovered boys. She has a different boyfriend every other week, and all she talks about is going out and drinking and partying; I can't relate to that. I have nothing in common with her, either, other than the occasional shared childhood experience, and those few and far between. I hate my job with a passion. Why did I bother going to college? I have two degrees, but it doesn't do a damned bit of good. People say it's this area, but I sincerely doubt this area is much different than the rest of the country. I used to send out alot of resumes and call to try and get interviews but I haven't seen anything I'd even care to apply for in ages.
I sincerely can't see a point in life. 2006 was the worst year of my life, and 2007 isn't shaping up any better. I lost a good job. I lost the love of my life, only to shortly after fall into the clutches of a miserable harpy bitch bent on making me miserable. I lost another job. I'm sick constantly. I don't like doctors, but I feel like I should have some sort of check up at this point. I have no insurance and no money, though. They sold my house, and the current owners are retarded hippies who make my life even more miserable with their ridiculous demands and hypocrisy. Some days I feel like Job. I miss my band. I miss singing so much. I sing in the car, that's it these days. I tried to start a new band a few months ago, but couldn't find a guitarist and the bassist lost interest after a few weeks of waiting.
I wish I had someone to talk to.
I wish. I don't know what good it does, but god damnit I wish.

Thank you for showing love on my new set! xxxx