Damn, almost 7 months since my last bloggity thing. Can't say I'm too worried about it. Really not much going on to tell my whole audience of, what, 5 people? Ha! However, I've recently had a few blog-worthy happenings... happen.
First off: My computer has been having some troubles of late, mostly the bad memory and random freezing up that may or may not be linked to said bad memory. Today though, I decided to run some Musical RAM Slots. In the process, I guess I cleared up whatever was wrong and I'm typing on my righteous rig right meow. No hiccups or anything yet. That gets a w00t: -w00t-
Next up... I BOUGHT A MOTORCYCLE!! Sooo stoked. Been riding my 1980 Suzuki GS550L as much as I can. The only bummer is that there's some odd kind of power draw problem I've been having. With the way it's behaving, I think it might be a lack of either fuel or air. I'm hoping that it's just some old gunked up gas that's getting burned up. Got the word out to some mechanically minded friends and they're helping me figure it out. Other than that, the bike runs fantastic.
Last... I hate all the goddamn Asian barbers around here that can't speak enough English. Today, I go into one just up the block that I've been to several times during my last year in the Air Force. I ask for "Short, but not military-buzz short." She points at the haircut poster on the wall.
Aw damn.
I point at one and tell her like this, but without [this an that]. She nods and says "OK." Great! I sit and she's cutting. But then I can feel that she's not cutting what I told her to. I figure she might still get it, so I wait. She says she's done and I take one glance in the mirror and instantly say "Yeah, not so much this. More like this (hand motions)." She cuts, I then look. Closer, but not quite. Liiiiitle more from here. She sighs one of those painfully obvious sighs of frustration and begins cutting. But her grip on my head is noticeably more firm and less patient/gentle, and the shaver has sped up.
Oh fuck, I just pissed off my barber. Great.
She's mumbling about it not being the third cut, and why couldn't I just choose the right one in the first place, and how it was a waste of time. I bite my tongue and just want to get the hell out of there. She's done and tells me what she cut (NOT THE ONE I ASKED FOR) so I can just tell her "6 on top, 1 on sides" next time. I look at myself and see that I look like a goddamn marine (no offense to Marines, not too much anyways). Insta-Pissed. I pay and leave. Fucking barber bitch. Ruined my day. I feel like wearing a beanie in public, like I'm ashamed or some stupid shit. Rawr.
But whateva. I got high as all shit and played Battlefield 1943 on XBOX Live. Badly. So rad.
And I rode my bike, and it was good. [The next day, not while high]
So that's about it. Still werking on my pilot's license. Closer every day. Still don't have a damn job. Still play WAY too many games.
And now for my signoff of random smilies.
First off: My computer has been having some troubles of late, mostly the bad memory and random freezing up that may or may not be linked to said bad memory. Today though, I decided to run some Musical RAM Slots. In the process, I guess I cleared up whatever was wrong and I'm typing on my righteous rig right meow. No hiccups or anything yet. That gets a w00t: -w00t-
Next up... I BOUGHT A MOTORCYCLE!! Sooo stoked. Been riding my 1980 Suzuki GS550L as much as I can. The only bummer is that there's some odd kind of power draw problem I've been having. With the way it's behaving, I think it might be a lack of either fuel or air. I'm hoping that it's just some old gunked up gas that's getting burned up. Got the word out to some mechanically minded friends and they're helping me figure it out. Other than that, the bike runs fantastic.
Last... I hate all the goddamn Asian barbers around here that can't speak enough English. Today, I go into one just up the block that I've been to several times during my last year in the Air Force. I ask for "Short, but not military-buzz short." She points at the haircut poster on the wall.
Aw damn.
I point at one and tell her like this, but without [this an that]. She nods and says "OK." Great! I sit and she's cutting. But then I can feel that she's not cutting what I told her to. I figure she might still get it, so I wait. She says she's done and I take one glance in the mirror and instantly say "Yeah, not so much this. More like this (hand motions)." She cuts, I then look. Closer, but not quite. Liiiiitle more from here. She sighs one of those painfully obvious sighs of frustration and begins cutting. But her grip on my head is noticeably more firm and less patient/gentle, and the shaver has sped up.
Oh fuck, I just pissed off my barber. Great.
She's mumbling about it not being the third cut, and why couldn't I just choose the right one in the first place, and how it was a waste of time. I bite my tongue and just want to get the hell out of there. She's done and tells me what she cut (NOT THE ONE I ASKED FOR) so I can just tell her "6 on top, 1 on sides" next time. I look at myself and see that I look like a goddamn marine (no offense to Marines, not too much anyways). Insta-Pissed. I pay and leave. Fucking barber bitch. Ruined my day. I feel like wearing a beanie in public, like I'm ashamed or some stupid shit. Rawr.
But whateva. I got high as all shit and played Battlefield 1943 on XBOX Live. Badly. So rad.
And I rode my bike, and it was good. [The next day, not while high]
So that's about it. Still werking on my pilot's license. Closer every day. Still don't have a damn job. Still play WAY too many games.
And now for my signoff of random smilies.

miss u already duder...august is gonna good times my friend
Totally stoked for the BlizzCon. Gonna be sweet. Like you, I'm also more looking forward to the socializing that'll happen that the Con. Not to say it's gonna suck or anything