Well well kiddies. I haven't posted me a blog in a good little while. I guess an update might be in order for t hose that actually READ the tripe I manage to put up.
Got my new computer and it is nothing short of glorious. plays the games I like at the graphics setting I love. And all on a nice 22" wide screen LCD monitor. Gaming goodness through and through.
I've also gotten back into my flight school. The other day I finished the first big part of my ground school. So, academically, I'm ready to solo! Just have a bit more flying to do first. Oh, speaking of which, the other day I was flying with a new instructor (my first time doing pattern work and working the radios, and both at the same time; intense) and after we were done flying he was signing off my logbook and suddenly paused and said, "whoa..." I asked what was the matter? He said for the amount of control I had and with how well I was picking up new things, he was expecting to see a LOT more hours (I currently have 8.2), and that usually people with that many hours are still trying to figure out how to hover, much less fly in a traffic pattern while making radio calls and dealing with traffic simultaneously. That made my fucking year! A good start anyways. Turns out I actually AM awesome. Whudda thunkit?

Got my new computer and it is nothing short of glorious. plays the games I like at the graphics setting I love. And all on a nice 22" wide screen LCD monitor. Gaming goodness through and through.
I've also gotten back into my flight school. The other day I finished the first big part of my ground school. So, academically, I'm ready to solo! Just have a bit more flying to do first. Oh, speaking of which, the other day I was flying with a new instructor (my first time doing pattern work and working the radios, and both at the same time; intense) and after we were done flying he was signing off my logbook and suddenly paused and said, "whoa..." I asked what was the matter? He said for the amount of control I had and with how well I was picking up new things, he was expecting to see a LOT more hours (I currently have 8.2), and that usually people with that many hours are still trying to figure out how to hover, much less fly in a traffic pattern while making radio calls and dealing with traffic simultaneously. That made my fucking year! A good start anyways. Turns out I actually AM awesome. Whudda thunkit?

shadow priests, silly lock/healer hyrbids...yeah, were kinda awesome
anyway, update ur effing blog dude.