I have a test tomorrow. Some EPA Refrigerant handling test for my werk. I can't focus on it. I even have practice tests and a highlighted study guide. Still can focus. I put in earbuds and tuned the world out. I still keep catching myself staring at the page spacing out. I don't even realize it until I've killed 5 minutes off in la la...
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hahaha rofl waffle. thank you for your pun. :]
I love how you've JUST seen that; it's been up there for a couple months now. I'm glad you got a laugh out of it! 

Sweet bajeebus. 7 months since my last bloggity thing. Yeah, long time. It's not like I have many friends that would view it, but therein lies the problem: you reap what you sow. I won't make any friends by hanging around on the outside, looking in. My SG activity has included looking at the sets, a few blogs, and following a few group threads. Ballocks!...
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miss yooooooooou 

I was gonna edit my last blog with this little update, then remembered that it should just be it's own blog. Money.
So I asked my roomie to help me troubleshoot my bike. He's been riding and tinkering with bikes for most of his 51 years (old dood, yes, but good people). We started checking all the spark plugs, and found one that was bad....
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So I asked my roomie to help me troubleshoot my bike. He's been riding and tinkering with bikes for most of his 51 years (old dood, yes, but good people). We started checking all the spark plugs, and found one that was bad....
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well thank you and W00T!!!!!
and were suuuuuper excited to see you again too!!! 2 more weeks! or are u getting here before the 20th? either way...YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that whenu come down this next time, you should just stay here
just my opinion though 
misssssssssssssss yooooooooooooou
and were suuuuuper excited to see you again too!!! 2 more weeks! or are u getting here before the 20th? either way...YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think that whenu come down this next time, you should just stay here

misssssssssssssss yooooooooooooou

Damn, almost 7 months since my last bloggity thing. Can't say I'm too worried about it. Really not much going on to tell my whole audience of, what, 5 people? Ha! However, I've recently had a few blog-worthy happenings... happen.
First off: My computer has been having some troubles of late, mostly the bad memory and random freezing up that may or may not be...
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First off: My computer has been having some troubles of late, mostly the bad memory and random freezing up that may or may not be...
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id comment on all of this, but, ive already had a conversation with u that covers all of this 
miss u already duder...august is gonna good times my friend

miss u already duder...august is gonna good times my friend

Yeah, I wasn't really thinking of you and despairxfaction when I wrote this cause, like you said, you already know all o dis.
Totally stoked for the BlizzCon. Gonna be sweet. Like you, I'm also more looking forward to the socializing that'll happen that the Con. Not to say it's gonna suck or anything
Totally stoked for the BlizzCon. Gonna be sweet. Like you, I'm also more looking forward to the socializing that'll happen that the Con. Not to say it's gonna suck or anything

Well well kiddies. I haven't posted me a blog in a good little while. I guess an update might be in order for t hose that actually READ the tripe I manage to put up.
Got my new computer and it is nothing short of glorious. plays the games I like at the graphics setting I love. And all on a nice 22" wide screen...
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Got my new computer and it is nothing short of glorious. plays the games I like at the graphics setting I love. And all on a nice 22" wide screen...
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Not much i can do about it.
"and then they all realized it was a priest so they ran away. and died from his dots as they were fleeing."
shadow priests, silly lock/healer hyrbids...yeah, were kinda awesome
anyway, update ur effing blog dude.
shadow priests, silly lock/healer hyrbids...yeah, were kinda awesome

anyway, update ur effing blog dude.

Fuck I'm bored. I can't decide what to do. I suppose I don't really WANT to do anything other than get my new computer. I hate that, but I knew it would happen. I knew I'd order the damn thing (regardless of a premade setup or each part individually) and not be able to think about anything else until it gets here. Damn kids and...
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well this just means u have to come over and see him 

True enough! I need money though. I hate money.
Oh! I'll be down in Chico again in March. My Mom, older sis and her new kid are gonna be seeing everybody. If I can spare the time/cash I might be able to make it down for another few days... that is if Andy hasn't gone active and you guys find yourselves up here, allofasudden.
p.s. My new computron should be here by monday the 12th. The it's game-on with the seriousness. Booya-kasha
Oh! I'll be down in Chico again in March. My Mom, older sis and her new kid are gonna be seeing everybody. If I can spare the time/cash I might be able to make it down for another few days... that is if Andy hasn't gone active and you guys find yourselves up here, allofasudden.
p.s. My new computron should be here by monday the 12th. The it's game-on with the seriousness. Booya-kasha
So my laptop has been on the fritz for the last few days. Might be a week already. I can't figure out what it is, much less how to fix it. I'm thinking of formatting, but I'm really not sure if that will fix the problem.
So, I was browsing for a new desktop and saw one I really liked. I didn't think I'd have...
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So, I was browsing for a new desktop and saw one I really liked. I didn't think I'd have...
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So I first thought I'd be a loser and end up spending x-mas alone. Lame, I know. But, I've had numerous offers from my awesome (and slightly less-than-awesome) friends. So tomorrow I'm going to a little get together at one friend's place, and Thursday I'll be hanging out at my buddy Jim's place. We'll have a nice dinner, get high, and play video games all...
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Stoked that you are gonna have a place to be. I wish you coulda been with us. But alas, such is not the case. Have a merry yule time holiday stuff. Don't smoke too much tree. Love ya and miss ya buddy.
p.s. this is an alien
and this is a luchador
you know, the mexican wrestler type doods....yeah thats it. btw, can you gift someone a game on xbox live?
p.s. this is an alien

Oh MAN so much snow everywhere. We got like 6 inches of fresh powder last night. It's not snowing now, but the weatherpeoples say it's going to again tonight. Good thing I don't have to really go anywhere! My shit is staying home and playing games until the End Time... which is when I go to bed.

three eyed chicken monkeys would go outside and play in that new snow...wuss
Oh I HAVE gone and played in that snow. Also went driving in it. All-wheel drive and snow/ice is a fantastic combination. Almost got stuck a couple times, but drove my way out. Loves it.
Know what sucks? Homework.
Know what blows? Homework that's late, and I am incapable of finishing. Even if it was on time, I still couldn't -finish- it. Stupid crappy damn English paper...
Know what will help? A bong hit. Ok, it won't really help, but I'll sure as shit feel better!
It's alright, though, because I get to go fly a helicopter tomorrow. For some...
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Know what blows? Homework that's late, and I am incapable of finishing. Even if it was on time, I still couldn't -finish- it. Stupid crappy damn English paper...
Know what will help? A bong hit. Ok, it won't really help, but I'll sure as shit feel better!
It's alright, though, because I get to go fly a helicopter tomorrow. For some...
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im so down! lets DO IT! 

it was indeed a most excellent party
just means youre gonna have to find a way to be here for the next one haha