my fucking toe still kills me
i need to do laundry
i want to get fucked up
so tonight i think ill continue the tradition of getting wasted and doing laundry
i have an extra queens of the stone age ticket for the seattle show if you want to go let me know
i need to do laundry
i want to get fucked up
so tonight i think ill continue the tradition of getting wasted and doing laundry
i have an extra queens of the stone age ticket for the seattle show if you want to go let me know
Come on over... I have lots of advice for you. 

hey boy, you started everything calling me "douche" on my page, and I didn't like it at all. first of all because it's not polite, and I always tried to be a gentleman. if you didn't appreciate my political ideas and/or my decisions you should behave in a different way. as you can see I expressed myself very politely because i do my best to respect people who thinks in a different way. on the other hand i try to use public discussions in order to say what I think. that's all bye bye