Another long span of time and no post. But work finally seems to be settling down to a new type of routine. It's more frantic and active than it used to be last year, but the intensity of the past few months is tapering off at least.
On the reading front, I finished up that new Fate of the Jedi book, Abyss, in record...
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On the reading front, I finished up that new Fate of the Jedi book, Abyss, in record...
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Well, sadly, work did not calm down. In fact, as it turns out, my vacation made things a bit more hectic. Deadlines were pressing and I had to work a lot of evenings over the past few weeks to get caught back up. But now I am happy to report I am (mostly) caught up with things at work.
I'm still managing to read a...
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I'm still managing to read a...
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I've been quiet for a while, first very busy at work and second for a nearly two week vacation to London and Paris. It was a really great trip.
In the past couple of weeks I have managed to read a number of books, some pulpy Star Wars stuff and some more unique, like Good Omens. If you haven't read Good Omens I highly...
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In the past couple of weeks I have managed to read a number of books, some pulpy Star Wars stuff and some more unique, like Good Omens. If you haven't read Good Omens I highly...
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at least you had fun..

Go on enjoying!
Alrightly, time for a book (and puppy) update...
The Host, by Stephanie Meyer (the Twilight author) just sucked me right in. I'm not a fast reader by any stretch of the imagination, but I've devoured a quarter of this rather large hardcover in just a week and a half. All that and I only read some about every other day. It's ensnared me.
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The Host, by Stephanie Meyer (the Twilight author) just sucked me right in. I'm not a fast reader by any stretch of the imagination, but I've devoured a quarter of this rather large hardcover in just a week and a half. All that and I only read some about every other day. It's ensnared me.
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Oh, and I've a trip on the books for the end of July/beginning of August to the UK and France (London and Paris, specifically). I have all the transit and lodging ironed out, but no real "plans".
Do I go with the flow or book little side trips and tours? Like maybe a boat tour of the Seine. Or taking the Hogwarts train...
Do I go with the flow or book little side trips and tours? Like maybe a boat tour of the Seine. Or taking the Hogwarts train...

If you look up where you're going and find interesting stuff you'd like to do, you can make a vague outline of things you wanna visit on your trip. That way it doesn't turn into the disastrous first day of saying "soooo..... we're here. What now?... Let's just wander aimlessly and then get coffee." 

I think I'm a bit crazy... Or a sucker for a cute face. I just got a puppy today, a mutt we rescued. She's at that clutsy stage and she's a cutie, so I think I'm falling for her.
On the reading front, I finished one pulpy Star Wars book then a friend talked me into reading the first Sookie Stackhouse book, since I like...
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On the reading front, I finished one pulpy Star Wars book then a friend talked me into reading the first Sookie Stackhouse book, since I like...
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Yeah, it turned out that I went back to Star Wars and The New Jedi Order series. I tried to jump back into Hamilton's Anita Blake world with Blood Noir but I couldn't get into her style of vampires after Meyer's vampires in The Twilight Saga. So a bit of Star Wars fluff it is, perhaps a couple of books, the Agent of Chaos...
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Okay. I finally finished Breakind Dawn after setting it down for over a week. I really had to fight to get back into the story once it switched from Bella to Jacob, but I finally started digging it again when Jacob became an Alpha of his own pack. The whole birth of the baby Nessie was a bit much but Bella's transformation and the eventual...
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Thanks for the testimonial, it's sweet.
I read the Twilight series a while back. I have to admit though, I'm not a fan. Have you watched the movie yet?

I read the Twilight series a while back. I have to admit though, I'm not a fan. Have you watched the movie yet?
So I ended up switching gears and I read some Star Wars books in the New Jedi Order. (I traveled the majority of the last couple of weeks, Minnesota, Chicago, Seattle, Austin... I'm a road warrior, I guess, so I wanted paperback books; all my Hamilton and Meyer books are hardbound. It also explains why I don't post as frequently as I used to....
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Well, I've actually had some free time in the evenings and weekends lately. And I didn't even waste the hours on my Xbox. That's been nice. I've been catching up on some reading, as it turns out.
A cousin told me about the Twilight series so I gave it a go last last fall and really enjoyed it. I devoured the book, but got side...
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A cousin told me about the Twilight series so I gave it a go last last fall and really enjoyed it. I devoured the book, but got side...
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I have learned that I suck at blogging. Or, perhaps more accurately, I am beginning to suck at blogging. I did much better a few months ago, but now I rarely have time to write anything meaningful.
What's happened to my life?
-- THW
What's happened to my life?
-- THW