ugh I'm fat and I just bought t-shirts--Venture Bros. t-shirts-- that now make me feel fatter. I need to join a flippin gym but the dentist has the money I need to join the Y. When did the YMCA membership get so damn expensive; $51/month from what should be the cheapest place to get un-fat. It'll probably be mid-September before I have the money, but it'll be jacket season then so I'll more than likely put it off then I'll mysteriously lose just the right amount of weight and not do it at all.
I should get into politics again so I can get excited about Joe Biden. All I know is that he's one of Humphrey's boys and I haven't heard good things.
I should get into politics again so I can get excited about Joe Biden. All I know is that he's one of Humphrey's boys and I haven't heard good things.