Why does it always happen like that?
You take a week of work, have a lovely time relaxing and doing all the shizz you been looking forward to for ages and you go back to work kinda recharged only to have some smug cunt (my boss) tell you that EVERYTHING has changed.
So now, your recharged batteries drain before he's even finished telling you what has changed and how its going to make your working life a living hell, and you find yourself just grinning, nodding and smiling politely whilst all the time in your head thinking "DIEDIEDIE".
Then..after he's finished spouting about how its ''all for the benefit of the company''...he fucks off with the words.....''right, i'm going...tell the other two what i've told you...''
So, now i have to tell my two work colleagues (Laurel and Hardy's denser more idiotic brothers) what he has just told me...and as predicted they just stand there..one with his mouth open catching flies...the other with a dew drop of snot hanging off his nose, both with a vacant, glazed look that just says to me...''i can see your lips moving but i have no idea what you're saying.
so i stop...sigh....and try again..this time putting it in such a way that my 5 year old daughters would understand...again...standard response.
so, i decide to just run with the new system and teach on the fly
Sorry my bad.
Fancy me stupidly thinking you could actually listen to instruction...seriously, you know that expression pay peanuts get monkeys? monkeys would be a real blessing.
then to piss on my bonfire so completely, that it goes out immediatly and you are left with the acrid smell of steaming urine....it rains.
it doesn't just rain..it's tropical..with 50mph winds and shit...so everytime i drive the forklift outside with a pallet to put on the truck its like encountering Hurricane Katrina with the rain covering my glasses and dripping down my collar. and still i have to try and explain at every turn what the fuck i want Dumb and Dumber to actually do.
so then i get home this morning...soaked...tired and like a fucking A-Bomb about to blow...i close the back door..close my eyes and sigh...then my Mrs says to me...
You take a week of work, have a lovely time relaxing and doing all the shizz you been looking forward to for ages and you go back to work kinda recharged only to have some smug cunt (my boss) tell you that EVERYTHING has changed.
So now, your recharged batteries drain before he's even finished telling you what has changed and how its going to make your working life a living hell, and you find yourself just grinning, nodding and smiling politely whilst all the time in your head thinking "DIEDIEDIE".
Then..after he's finished spouting about how its ''all for the benefit of the company''...he fucks off with the words.....''right, i'm going...tell the other two what i've told you...''
So, now i have to tell my two work colleagues (Laurel and Hardy's denser more idiotic brothers) what he has just told me...and as predicted they just stand there..one with his mouth open catching flies...the other with a dew drop of snot hanging off his nose, both with a vacant, glazed look that just says to me...''i can see your lips moving but i have no idea what you're saying.
so i stop...sigh....and try again..this time putting it in such a way that my 5 year old daughters would understand...again...standard response.
so, i decide to just run with the new system and teach on the fly
Sorry my bad.
Fancy me stupidly thinking you could actually listen to instruction...seriously, you know that expression pay peanuts get monkeys? monkeys would be a real blessing.
then to piss on my bonfire so completely, that it goes out immediatly and you are left with the acrid smell of steaming urine....it rains.
it doesn't just rain..it's tropical..with 50mph winds and shit...so everytime i drive the forklift outside with a pallet to put on the truck its like encountering Hurricane Katrina with the rain covering my glasses and dripping down my collar. and still i have to try and explain at every turn what the fuck i want Dumb and Dumber to actually do.
so then i get home this morning...soaked...tired and like a fucking A-Bomb about to blow...i close the back door..close my eyes and sigh...then my Mrs says to me...
Sounds hardcore. Excited about drawing something 

Seriously dude I hear you on that. I'm not in the right frame of mind to blog my shit either. My yeah 2 weeks off = bliss, back to work = baaaaaad. Keep Smiling fella.