SUNDAY 8.57am
It would seem that having a talent, completely wasting that talent, thoroughly abusing your body with drugs and alcohol until it can take no more and expires....makes you a cult icon.
surely kids are impressionable enough right?
now, i'm sure a lot of you don't agree with what i'm saying, but don't give me that crap about drugs being a creative influence....i did my share of drug taking when i was younger, i never created anything except a massive hole in my bank balance, but luckily i managed to get out of that loop.
Winehouse just showed what you really can do with money eh?
sad that a young person has died, but can anyone else really be blamed?
ok, feel free to have a pop at me now.....
i have this regular occurance where my password doesn't work anymore and i get a new password via this an SG glitch, or someone trying to hack my account and getting the password wrong so it does an auto reset????
It would seem that having a talent, completely wasting that talent, thoroughly abusing your body with drugs and alcohol until it can take no more and expires....makes you a cult icon.
surely kids are impressionable enough right?
now, i'm sure a lot of you don't agree with what i'm saying, but don't give me that crap about drugs being a creative influence....i did my share of drug taking when i was younger, i never created anything except a massive hole in my bank balance, but luckily i managed to get out of that loop.
Winehouse just showed what you really can do with money eh?
sad that a young person has died, but can anyone else really be blamed?
ok, feel free to have a pop at me now.....
i have this regular occurance where my password doesn't work anymore and i get a new password via this an SG glitch, or someone trying to hack my account and getting the password wrong so it does an auto reset????
My SG password reset once, I wasn't sure why...still don't know why, so I can't enlighten you on that one 

i'm having the same issue with my password. SO annoying. it sends a new password to my hotmail...then that email gets read...not by me. strange x