''What's up Chappers?!'' i hear you cry?
well...it's out there...
i have posted in ''Hook Up'' that myself and Tetrisbrokeme are organizing a piss up in Old Laaahndern Tahn (London for you non cock-er-knees) on the 13th of August.
so, if you're are UK based...or indeed just on vacation in this septic isle then feel free to turn up, and get wankered with like-minded losers!
in other news....*looks directly into camera one and reads autocue*
i've nearly finished the infamous Red Shower Gel...one more shower with my stoopid brain screaming ''PLUG IT UP, PLUG IT UP'' at me...i'm sure i'm developing an OCD obsession with shit like this!
the next shower gel is blue...(phew, and relax...)
what else is happening homies?
not a lot to be honest....think i'm going to go into Town tomorrow and do some shopping and prepare for next weeks visit from my hipster Niece..don't tell her i called her that though....she'll kill me..'hipster' i mean...she really is my niece!!
ok laters you lot.
be nice and be good.
my ass...
red shower gel > blue shower gel
the tattoo will be a couple of puzzle pieces. one will have a hawaiian turtle and the other will be a lady bug. for my 2 best friends.