(day 4)
ok SG-ers....
here it is, my semi famous analogy about boys and girls.
Girls are like Cats.
if a boy shows interest in them, even tho they might be thinking 'omgomgomgomg' inside?
and their heart might be beating like a jackhammer?
they will just lay there....open one lazy eye...check the boy out for a second or two...and go back to preening themselves feigning apparent total disinterest.
Boys are like Dogs
if a girls shows interest in them, they bound around, wagging their tails...jumping up and showing off.
''look at me...touch me...pleeeeaaaase stroke me''
and they will also bring gifts...it might just be a dog toy...so therefore totally inappropriate...but its a gift.
tonights dinner will be spaghetti bolognaise....easy as i have a cricket league match tonight.
ok SG-ers....
here it is, my semi famous analogy about boys and girls.
Girls are like Cats.
if a boy shows interest in them, even tho they might be thinking 'omgomgomgomg' inside?
and their heart might be beating like a jackhammer?
they will just lay there....open one lazy eye...check the boy out for a second or two...and go back to preening themselves feigning apparent total disinterest.
Boys are like Dogs
if a girls shows interest in them, they bound around, wagging their tails...jumping up and showing off.
''look at me...touch me...pleeeeaaaase stroke me''
and they will also bring gifts...it might just be a dog toy...so therefore totally inappropriate...but its a gift.
tonights dinner will be spaghetti bolognaise....easy as i have a cricket league match tonight.
Haha, yeah that's about right eh?
Makes sense why I've always preferred dogs to cats