we had a fight did clear the air. it got pretty close to us not being friends let alone lovers.
mainly due to me being how i am, but at my age? it's impossible to to change, i can maybe keep a lid on it sometimes, but she also agreed that i am who i am and she will try to accept that and be more tolerant and make some changes on her side.
the upshot of it all is we're back together..(how could we not be...after EVERYTHING?) and we are both wearing those stoopid, mooney smiles that only people in love wear
thanks for letting me bore you with my daily shit-life!!

we had a fight did clear the air. it got pretty close to us not being friends let alone lovers.
mainly due to me being how i am, but at my age? it's impossible to to change, i can maybe keep a lid on it sometimes, but she also agreed that i am who i am and she will try to accept that and be more tolerant and make some changes on her side.
the upshot of it all is we're back together..(how could we not be...after EVERYTHING?) and we are both wearing those stoopid, mooney smiles that only people in love wear

thanks for letting me bore you with my daily shit-life!!

Glad to hear you got things sorted out with the gf. I hope I get to smile like that soon.