just a quickie today as i'm super busy....i got 3 hours sleep after work, then had to do grocery shopping...a real chore on a friday, i fucking hate it...plus it's an 30 min drive there and back...literally rushed home and unpacked, had two fried egg sarnies...(nom) fed the dog...now doing this.
then i gotta get the kids form school in 15 mins,... Read More
lol actually the dog and i were just chilling. I was the only one home so if I wanted him out of the way, shouting would've done no good I just couldn't get a shot where both of us were still long enough lol He minds really well so eventually I had to ask him to leave my space... the cat on the other hand...
nothing much happening today, a beautiful sunny warm day today, lovely seeing as it's gonna piss down all weekend...and i'm supposed to be having a huge Barbecue on Saturday, but it looks like a quick conversion to Veggie Lasagne and Chilli instead.....god only knows what all the kids will do in the house tho...wreck it i guess!!
they... Read More
Thanks for your kind words Stan is soo adorable, I miss having dogs around! It will be interesting to see if your daughter's love of butterflies continues as she grows up...you might have a Lepidopterist on your hands if it does Check out my latest blog, you might be interested in doing the 'count' with your daughter My dad sent me the link because everyone knows how much I love butterflies He also sent me this very fascinating link http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/14108204 which you might also like to show your daughter (although she may be a bit young?) hehe. I wish I could visit London's Natural History Museum to see it!! Take it easy, hope the kids don't wreck the house too much on Saturday
i went to Bournemouth yesterday with my Niece and i bailed on a new piercing in favour of some coooool charcoal grey jeans...straights with a twisted seam...*Borat voice* Verrrry Niiiice!
we had Pizza Hut buffet so i had to do a massive run today which was hard as there was a bitchin' headwind.
oh...and the... Read More
Thanks, nice to hear that people enjoy my blogs when I post them Good on you going for a run, I plan to start at the end of this week...now that I finally have my running shoes!! Badly applied ink is never a good thing, but sometimes funny to see, so long as it's not on me haha I guess I'm one of the 'losers' since I don't post blogs with my boobs haha
today my cool assed Niece is arriving from London to spend the week chilling in the countryside for a week.
got a few things planned although a lot of that depends on the weather, a day shooting pics of medieval architecture in my home city of Salisbury.....nerd alert!!!
and a day in Bournemouth by the sea doing seasidey stuff.....although i may... Read More
If I wasn't so super cool, I'd be asking why you're taking your cool asses niece to do nerdy architecture photos... But architecture isn't nerdy, I mean, I'm into it, so it can't be nerdy... right? erm...
Why do all the girls i like feel the need to treat me as second or even third best??
is it because i'm too easy going?
is it because i don't quite cut it?
well, without being too 'Ranty', i'm done with it.
well, i'll bide my time and wait for someone who is REALLY into me.....could be a long wait!
i have posted in ''Hook Up'' that myself and Tetrisbrokeme are organizing a piss up in Old Laaahndern Tahn (London for you non cock-er-knees) on the 13th of August.
there will be lots of pictures after the show. i'm from jersey, they are from jersey - i have seen them many times. always a good time. they are playing 2 albums in full that night so i'm excited.
the tattoo will be a couple of puzzle pieces. one will have a hawaiian turtle and the other will be a lady bug. for my 2 best friends.
ok...you've all put a lot of work into making me happy, giving me advice about my relationship with my ex.
so what do i do?
i fuck it all up.
i text her yesterday. we fight after three hours of texting.
i delete her from everything.
she texts me... Read More
The thing about friends is, we like being here to hear about your woes and worries so that we can do our best to offer you a kind ear and a shoulder when you need it most. That's what friends are for. Not everything is sunshine, in fact, i'm glad it's not. Imagine how horribly dull this planet would be if perfection reigned. Rough times like this make us stronger, more capable people. I only wish there was something more I could do. But time tends to heal things in it's own way.
Hope you don't mind me throwing my 2p in. I don't know the ins and outs but all you can do is be honest with everyone involved including yourself which it seems you are.
Everyone says it but time really is a great healer, when I split with my sons mum we fought alot. ALOT.
Now 5years down the line, we're really good friends, she has moved on and is married with 3 other kids.