Not much going on here. I am down to one game a week. Am I still a gamer? I guess I haven't been on in a while. I ran 2.5-3 miles on Tueday. I am still in pain. But at least I managed to do it. Then walk the whole thing after jogging. Maybe I will be a sexy bitch soon. That would be nice....
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yay for jogging. so, you want to come here this summer and get set up on a date?
do you want to come visit me in NY?

It has been a while since I have written here. So here it goes! I am pimping my pad. The painting is all but complete. I just got a 62" TV. I ordered today 2 couches and a chair (with ottoman) - leather. I will pick them up Saturday. Did I mention the 62" TV! It is fucking awesome! The house is really coming together....
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hope you have a happy
Happy Happy Fun Day!
new york is alot closer than de. so yeah, there's more of a chance of me going there. but, i'm not sure if i'm going anywhere cause my car is not acting happy.
Happy Happy Fun Day!
new york is alot closer than de. so yeah, there's more of a chance of me going there. but, i'm not sure if i'm going anywhere cause my car is not acting happy.

Vaction is over. I started my new job Tuesday, and already I'm staying late. Oh well. The pay is good, and I have an office now! Not sure what exactly I should be doing. I should enjoy that while it lasts, because I'm sure that by the time I figure out what I am supposed to be doing it will take me more than 40...
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and now you can buy one if you like! have fun

Hey...I have decided to write in my Journal again. Why? I dunno. Do I really have anything to say that I want people that I don't know reading?
Little help: Can anyone read, or do they have to be friends? Anyone - right?
I am taking Fridayt off to watch pulp fiction with a freind of mine
But I have to work this weekend...
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Little help: Can anyone read, or do they have to be friends? Anyone - right?
I am taking Fridayt off to watch pulp fiction with a freind of mine

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help: if you make it a memebers only journal entry, then every member can read it. if you leave it normal, everyone who googles you can read it. they dont even have to be members.
how ya doing sweetie?
how ya doing sweetie?

Journal huh? I wonder if I will ever update it again...
where's my friend request beotch?

I didn't know your screen name....