Alright back in town after a weekend away in the great outdoors camping and fishing. Was a good fun time.
Yes in a down homey I could be a redneck way.

Ughh gotta find out what I work. I having to much crap go on. I need some changes. smile
yeah you really do. ummm, my roomates pride themselves the their ability to see movies early via internet sources. you could always try that but i'd reccomend seeing it in big screen, it was worth it smile

camping and fishing, sounds like a grand time.

change is good.
Happy Birthday is to me.

I am 25 again ok not really. So I will be at the cheapest place in town from 10-12am tonight. Nickel Night at the Crowbar. All fun. If you in town say hi and greetings. I should be wearing my Bob Ross Happy Tree shirt. tongue

Who knows what will go on. I already cool ass lunch a friend treated me...
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Happy Birthday biggrin
thanks. to bad. nickel night is an experience. Blacked out and puked my guts all over town the first one. Have not gotten close to that since.
I added some other random pics I drew. Click my pics to see. Yeah I also have trouble just clicking away and the Nudey girl site.

What larp I am smile
happy birthday!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!

Ahh last night was a blast but 3 hours of sleep and then working 8 hrs was insane good thing I totally didn't gt plasteredsmile

I think need post more drawins I have done. I need redesing my portfolio websites and figure how to get some good income. I am definitely up for doing comissions for relatively cheap cost.

Yeah starving artist here.
ahhh i hate going on too little sleep! it just doesn't work.

i have to make an eportfolio quite soon.... wish i had some e-skills for those kinda things. but alas, i save my clicking skills for the naked lady site.

i like the artwork you put up smile hope it brings you some money so you don't starve.
its hasn't yet that was just a drawing I did for fun for a girl. Used Quinne pic as pose reference. Yeah my e-portfolio is well not so great but tis better then nothing.

Was thinking of using one of your rejected pics as pose reference but never got around to it Sativa

[Edited on Apr 12, 2005 1:23AM]

[Edited on Apr 12, 2005 1:24AM]
AHh another night down. Drank had fun slept on the floor and little dehydrated in the morning. It was a decent night after long crazy work day. Now all I can think of is food. smile

I came to SG just cause I was curious and have enjoy it emensly (sp?) but it also peaks my interests in artistic ways. I have thought of using some...
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Actually got further on the Drawing I am gonna put up for my SG profile. All thanks to Saltiva. here it is the work in progress. i need to do more photoshoping and find a funky background to add.[
i had an impact on something? awesome biggrin

especially awesome because it was related to productivity, something i myself am weak at.
being productive, that is...

right... later smile
Added more gruesome information about myself. I actually got the sketch for my profile picture so time to finish it up. Yeah that will be in 3 months. Slacker I am.
oooh so very gruesome!

i'd like to see you're profile pic, get on it smile

thanks for the congrats too.

I will . Pushy smile
Ahh first journal entry. I feel like crap guess not sleeping probably why. 14 days till a birthday so that should be fun. Just rampart run on the alcohol fest of this town.

I need to put up a profile pic I have to draw something so too add.
hey smile

thanks for the comment on my tat!
tell us a little more about yourself. and get some sleep.
