So drama!!

Yelled at the crazy psycho that has obessive crush on me hoping it finally ends it but i doubt it will then went and drank a little.

I got lesson that will be valuable and have to test it next time I go out smile. Its how to meet girls at a bar. I think it has a shot.

Looking for more fun...
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ick, i hope it doesnt have to come to going to the popo.

also good luck with the new plan wink

hahaha, yoda rocks. that was a good impression, for typage.
Movies. Saw Madagascar. it was cute. I know I am sucker for a cartoon anyday.

Working and working. Got approved for a new pad just gotta find money to actually pay for it. eeek
Well I am know I been vacant sorry just to busy with a so called half life
yeah that looks cute. it may be one that i wait til its on video though. hope you've been havin some fun too between all the workin!
I have been Sithed. Saw Episode 3 on thursday was a fun little movie.

I have been lacking on my attention to SG. Must be just the summer. Being outside and working alott. Its like freaking fast and furious dropped in little old state college this weekend. I thought there were alot cops around during footballweekends but tits worse this weekend. Well I wild be...
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my lack of summer job made it very easy to become obsessed with the star wars movies. I liked this new one. Obiwan, is hot.
Yippe I locked myself out my apt. I am genius. So going to look at new apt for next year and gotta dig up cash to maybe put the deposit on it. Damn can't we just be all communist and not need money anymore.??

Then again money gets you cool things sometimes.

to sleep to sleep I must part take.
I understand that Penn State is Penn State, but I'm so used to all the satellite campuses that I just wanted to make sure.

I haven't been to State College in ages. I could really go for some ice cream though... Or a grilled sticky bun.

Now I'm hungry, and there's nothing good in the house to eat.

Saw Kingdom. Liked it alot. Especially its pholosphy on the City Of Jersulem. I also got STAR WARS tickets. Stoked about that. Drank up last to nights can't get ride of this head ache. ugghhhh

It was fun though. I am waiting to deliever a birthday present then either poker bed or drinking with friends. Haven't decided what.
New and improved.

Ok not really just thought thats a good slogan. Not done much anything working on layouts for the webcomic and have to work on drawing a birhtday present. Yeah I know I am cheap. smile

Kingdom of Heaven this weekend. I need to get to the damn movies smile
a great slogan! used often the particular stephen king book i am finishing, in which an unearthed space craft makes everyone near it new and improved.

the copy of sin city i burned off my roommate's comp will not work on my compy at home. boooo.

why don't you go to the movies? that's a fun thing to do.
That was a fun day. So many rednecks. Had mullet sightings.

Tired from all the driving. I am gonna have to hit the bedsheets soon.

Need to see Flidais dance sometime. Sounds like she is good if she is tired from dancing all the time smile
No dancing to theme songs just yet, but Ill keep it in mind the next time I'm doing some choreography. bok
oh yeah the girl can boogie. maybe we can get her arse up to state college sometime. unless, since you like rednecks and mullets so much, you want to visit our bumblefuck little hometown!

mmm sleep. enjoy sweet slumber.
Finished the profile pic but I think I have to edit it more. Damn Artists never satisfied with anything . smile Dane and the Tourgasm crew were so funny. If they come near a town you I highly recomend seeing them. You learn a new Penis Trick to attempt.

2 Worries down but million yet to go. Jury duty is coming Thursday how fun. Hopefully the...
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Id like to thank you for getting the Night Court theme song stuck in my head.
Back to normal. Got to eat some popscicles (the miracle cure) and it was all better.

wow its hot. Nice but won't last I am sure that normal PA weather. Well I got get myself in gear have to do a drawing of princess Leia for a friends birthday and got a web comic I am working on. When its gets online I will be...
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you need to make a few more friends, because i hate seeing my distorted little picture with my eyebrow all weird tongue plus i am two of your friends.

glad you are feeling better. it is cold as hell now. there seems to be a breeze coming in my apartment from somewhere.

hows the work on the profile pic? that must be after the princess leia. enjoy dane cook and friends. smile
Yuck. I was so sick yesterday. Had to leave work early and just laid in bed and couldn't keep anything down. Feeling better this morning but still groggy.

Have to do laundry fun fun fun...

Just another day in the life of.

Interupt this to find there is a new Pope. This is good and well really not a big deal.
thank you for your comment on my set smile hope you're better soon xx
hope you feel better whatever