update time, although it shall be brief.
i now, officially, own a springfield armory 1911-A1! wee! power that fits in the palm of your hand! but then again, ive always had a little bit of power in the plm of my hand.. er. wait a second.
was driving around muncie delivering packages when on tillotson and river road i hear some check yell 'youre hot!'. i dont know if it was directed at me or not, but i can pretend right?
i shaved the back and sides of my head cause they didnt fit the dreads at all. speaking of the dreads, theyre finally coming into fruition. i need to dye my hair again, but im curious how that will work with my dreads and all.. should be interesting to see if i can get that to work.
and what the fuk is up with this heat?! its god damn ridiculous! 92 degrees outside, a billion inside the van. im fucking dying! ive actually got a bit of a tan going too. im disappointed in myself. especially when comparing my legs to my arms. its almost frightening. i miss my cold weather..
thats it for today. if anyone knows how to fix the clip that keeps the bottom of a hungarian m44 magazine up, then someone let me know.
wee! (kali is a tease by the way.) (and welcome back hexe!
i now, officially, own a springfield armory 1911-A1! wee! power that fits in the palm of your hand! but then again, ive always had a little bit of power in the plm of my hand.. er. wait a second.
was driving around muncie delivering packages when on tillotson and river road i hear some check yell 'youre hot!'. i dont know if it was directed at me or not, but i can pretend right?
i shaved the back and sides of my head cause they didnt fit the dreads at all. speaking of the dreads, theyre finally coming into fruition. i need to dye my hair again, but im curious how that will work with my dreads and all.. should be interesting to see if i can get that to work.
and what the fuk is up with this heat?! its god damn ridiculous! 92 degrees outside, a billion inside the van. im fucking dying! ive actually got a bit of a tan going too. im disappointed in myself. especially when comparing my legs to my arms. its almost frightening. i miss my cold weather..

thats it for today. if anyone knows how to fix the clip that keeps the bottom of a hungarian m44 magazine up, then someone let me know.
wee! (kali is a tease by the way.) (and welcome back hexe!

Sorry we couldn't come out, but I have GOT to have a job, and in order to get the club I want I have to be in town on Friday.