time for a somewhat proper update.
tonight was the first LAN experience ive had since this place in town, The Frag Pipe, was open. it really brought me back. was playing some H2 with 8 people jammin it out, and was a shit ton of fun. all i have to say is, on the smaller maps with team slayer its some chaotic shit. i had a streak of 13 kills with my energy sword on Middleship, until i got struck down in a swathe of plasma rifles. great time was had, of course. also bought Fight night 2004 for the PS2. my boxer is still an up and comer, but so far hes rockin out with his cock out.
not all too much has been going on otherwise. im basically guaranteed a job driving for the fed between 2-4 days a week. hell, just one day of driving is a shit ton more money than i get working all week now. bleh. i have to go get my chaufers (sp?) book/license sometime this week and the guy that owns the route is gonna talk to the main guy sean, tomorrow. now, to just take the driving school class, and learn to drive a stick. ive got the concept lodged in my head, just never had the automobile to try with. should be rather uh, interesting.. yeah.
im gonna be working with a driver on thursday, makin a little extra cash cause she loves me. hah! so ill be in muncie all day thursday, then come home and probably sleep. ill miss that day of work, but i easily make 50 more than i would if i did work. lies all about money, it seems.. ive no real debt, but it just seems im not doing as good as id like to be. but hey, i think thats what everyone thinks.
i ripped the new APC Emotive today, not heard much of it yet, so ive no clue how it sounds.. yet. ill find out sometime soon, i suppose.
went to Red Lobster on friday and enjoyed the endless shrimp. what was even more enjoyable was seeing a friend/woman i like while i was there. well, make that two women. one of which i got their number, so hopefully me and her will go out sometime, now that im legal to be in bars and such. the other.. boyfriend, of course. but so hot, want to touch the hiney, arooooo. (blatant billy madison quote)
thats basically it for the time being, i guess. ill update when ive got more to say, or more happenings come along. so uh, yeah. guten nacht!
tonight was the first LAN experience ive had since this place in town, The Frag Pipe, was open. it really brought me back. was playing some H2 with 8 people jammin it out, and was a shit ton of fun. all i have to say is, on the smaller maps with team slayer its some chaotic shit. i had a streak of 13 kills with my energy sword on Middleship, until i got struck down in a swathe of plasma rifles. great time was had, of course. also bought Fight night 2004 for the PS2. my boxer is still an up and comer, but so far hes rockin out with his cock out.

not all too much has been going on otherwise. im basically guaranteed a job driving for the fed between 2-4 days a week. hell, just one day of driving is a shit ton more money than i get working all week now. bleh. i have to go get my chaufers (sp?) book/license sometime this week and the guy that owns the route is gonna talk to the main guy sean, tomorrow. now, to just take the driving school class, and learn to drive a stick. ive got the concept lodged in my head, just never had the automobile to try with. should be rather uh, interesting.. yeah.
im gonna be working with a driver on thursday, makin a little extra cash cause she loves me. hah! so ill be in muncie all day thursday, then come home and probably sleep. ill miss that day of work, but i easily make 50 more than i would if i did work. lies all about money, it seems.. ive no real debt, but it just seems im not doing as good as id like to be. but hey, i think thats what everyone thinks.
i ripped the new APC Emotive today, not heard much of it yet, so ive no clue how it sounds.. yet. ill find out sometime soon, i suppose.
went to Red Lobster on friday and enjoyed the endless shrimp. what was even more enjoyable was seeing a friend/woman i like while i was there. well, make that two women. one of which i got their number, so hopefully me and her will go out sometime, now that im legal to be in bars and such. the other.. boyfriend, of course. but so hot, want to touch the hiney, arooooo. (blatant billy madison quote)
thats basically it for the time being, i guess. ill update when ive got more to say, or more happenings come along. so uh, yeah. guten nacht!

being undeicide sucks...and Kali is right u r a nerd but we all still love u
Dude let me know next time you are gonna go LAN I absofuckinglutely love to do that shit.I built a computer just for it. =D hehe I love my computer it is badass.I am such a huge gamer.Last party,seeing all those games you had made me wanna play PLaystation all night long.I normally like to get hammered then try to play like Nascar,or some sort of racing,or shoot em up game.Let me know when you wanna get together and game man.I'm up for a quick trip to Kokomo