So, I'm back from my two week vacation in Maine with my family and I am completely flabbergasted at how quickly it seems to have gone by. I had a really nice time there and I am all tan and stuff now. I also have many more cuts, bruises and scrapes than when I left. Cool, huh? Anyway, I just really love being up there and I love my friends up there and I love hanging out with the fam, so it was a perfect vacation (with the exception that I didn't end up hooking up with the most beautiful trumpet player in the world who I've had a crush on for three years now
) . So, here I am back in Boston and trying to get reaquainted witth that crazy thing people refer to as real life. Alas... But, at least I still have SG as a means of escape!

[Edited on Sep 13, 2005 6:42PM]