Wow, so this week has been the week from hell. Finals week at school, staying up all night to finish a project only to have my computer crash hours before the project is to be turned in, so on and so on... HOWEVER! tonight I have my last final, and then I'm done for the semester. I'm going to miss school for the summer, but I will not miss any part of this week. I also got into a fight with my girlfriend about this site. She really hates me looking at naked girls, and while we interact well and understand each other on almost every other topic, this is consistantly a subject that she can't seem to get her mind around. She always gets really hurt by it, which makes me feel like a pile of horse shit. But, I have just as hard of a time understanding why she can't see it the way I see it, even if she doesn't get into looking at naked pictures herself. Very frustrating. I love her dearly, and I don't see any of the girls on this site or any other website as a substitution for her, but she just can't seem to understand where I'm coming from. Anyway, it's a beautiful day in Boston and I plan to do some guitar playing on the porch and then practice up for my piano final a little later. And tomorrow I will probably go into the T and play music and try to get some cash that way. Oh the life of a minstrel...