So, life is full of really, really awesome changes right now. First and foremost is that we've finally come to our senses and elected Barack Obama as President and I am fucking elated! Aside from that though, I've also started a new job in which I'm helping real people make substantive positive changes in their lives and making a really decent living for the first time in my life. There's a significant time requirement on my end, but it's rewarding work and feels like my first real step toward that weird thing called adulthood. And I'm actually not afraid of that. In fact for someone who generally doesn't deal well with change, I'm really excited about all of the changes that are taking place right now. Except for my computer taking a vacation of undetermined length. Hence, my general absence from this site of late. Alas. Things are still very good right now.
Thanks for the comment on my new set. Keep in touch <3