Sometimes, I feel like I over intellectualize certain events in my life to avoid dealing at all with my emotions as they pertain to said events, because I think I am far too reckless emotionally speaking, while my intellectual side is far more practical and hesitant to approach situations hastily, especially if they might hurt me. I think of my relationships with women this way. I feel like the reckless side would throw my heart and undying love to damn near anything that moves, but this of course would be fatal, so I think that of late, I have assigned my intellectual side to ponder such situations, issues or relationships almost exclusively. My point is that it feels weird to not allow your heart to ponder something that so clearly is a "matter of the heart". Of course, I still really don't trust my heart these days.
Other than that, things are going well!
Other than that, things are going well!

Oh well... it'll be fun!