mucho pictures:
These actually aren't any of my photos. I was able to find them on some dude's website, but they are all excellent shots and quite representative of the beauty found at Hermit Island, which is where I will be for the first two weeks of August. I can't wait to see my family, as we rarely get to see each other anymore even though we are all very close. I also can't wait to wake up and fall asleep to the sound of the ocean crashing against the rocks, pee in the woods regularly, fish EVERYDAY, eat lots of seafood, play music with my pappy, ride on boats, birdwatch (yeah, BIG dork factor), and see all of the other wonderful people I get to hang with while I'm up there. I can't fucking wait.
In other news, the pink haired girl remains in the picture. Although in what capacity, I have no idea. Utterly perplexing. And, she's terrible at returning phone calls. That bugs me. Fortunately, I'm still not very invested in the whole thing, although I feel like I'm struggling to hang on to that status right now, and that can't be a good thing.
Also, I still don't have the money for a home. How in the fuck did I land myself in this place?! Yuck. I need to get back into the city pretty fucking soon. Like, real soon.
In summary, life just keeps on rolling on.
Hope you have a wonderful trip!!
Sorry about the lack of money