So we had our very good friend Jed visiting from Ohio for about a week, but he just left for Providence to catch a flight back to Columbus. Lame. I really miss him and I wish he had not left Boston. But, it was a blast to hang out with him all the same. I'm still crashing at my friends' place in Everett, and trying to maintain my work schedule and continue booking gigs for both myself and the Afro-pop band, but living lightyears away from the city is making things very difficult. Oh well. In other news, I seem to have hoodwinked this really cute little pink haired girl into liking me enough to make out with me, which I find exceedingly surprising. Happy and exciting, but surprising nonetheless. Especially, because according to her, she's gay. Or mostly gay. Or something. Anyway, I feel like this is one of those situations that could spin off in any number of strange different directions, so I'm just sort of taking it as it comes and not getting my hopes up about anything significant happening. Although, I would really like to hang out with her tonight. Gah. I'd love to say that women were terribly confusing (it would be true), but really, it's just people that are confusing. Especially me. I feel utterly bewildered by myself sometimes. Although, even though I feel pretty confused about what all is going on in life right now, I think I also feel pretty calm about most things. Like, confused but not panicked. That's a bit of a pleasant change.
yes, we're really sisters 

Hahaha they do indeed... and I left you a drunken comment with more spanish speaking nosense... but I was drunk and left it in my own blog... hahahaha Oh well. I deleted it. More nonsense for you later