Life is hard.
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Monday May 01, 2006
So, for the last several days I've been playing hookey from life beca… -
Monday Apr 03, 2006
Today I finished recording the final track of my first album. TOD… -
Monday Mar 20, 2006
So, I'm listening to various selections from the "Rent" soundrack rig… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
I had a bad dream last night that someone broke my guitar and didn't … -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2006
So, I hate tonight. I want terribly badly to make it as a musician, b… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
So I had to wander out into the nether region of East Boston today to… -
Thursday Feb 16, 2006
I'm only updating this because it's been too long to have the same ol… -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
So I resisted and resisted and resisted, and then I finaly gave in. I… -
Wednesday Dec 14, 2005
So the new SG Directory is up and it seems pretty cool. Maybe I shoul… -
Wednesday Nov 30, 2005
Whoops! Seems like I went and let the ol' membership lapse! Oh well…
but, hey, your a great guitar player. I heard your stuff on myspace and it's great. no wonder you won that contest!