as i mentioned in an earlier post, my friend was recently raped in her home, in her bed, by a stranger. from what i gather, she is doing better. she is a source of inspiration to someone like me, because despite the horror of it all she is planning on pressing charges and making sure this fuck does at least a little time... this is something most victims (survivors) never do.
something i never did.
she is moving forward with her life, but some reminders stay around to haunt her... she should never have to sleep another night in that bed. so to show my appreciation for her friendship and support for me over the years, i wanted to do a little something.
ive always said its not about trying to save the world, but about trying to make a difference in your little corner of the world. call me idealistic all you like, but this is my way.
once again, i teamed up with 'right in the family jewels' to put out a line of necklaces. yes, they are brutal, i agree but there is something to be said about shock value. sometimes it calls attention and facilitates conversation, conversations that we tend to brush under the rug because no one seems to want to ruin comfortable banter with actual issues these days.
a portion of the proceeds will go to getting her a new bed and subsequent proceeds will be donated directly to, an amazing organization that provides FREE assistance to anyone in need.
if you need to talk to someone, you can call: 1.800.656.HOPE
they also have one on one online chats available on the site.
if you dont agree with my tactic, thats fine, dont buy the necklace.
but if you back what im doing, tell someone about it. start conversations. encourage discussion. get help. whatever you do, do not remain silent. there is always someone out there willing to listen and direct you help. a majority of the reason why only 6% of rapists ever spend a day in jail is because so many of us remain silent.

click the picture to take you to the store or go to then click store.
if you're worried about the necklaces breaking, i bought hard shipping boxes to prevent it from happening again.
- boardies, the money you sent is being donated directly to this organization.
as i mentioned in an earlier post, my friend was recently raped in her home, in her bed, by a stranger. from what i gather, she is doing better. she is a source of inspiration to someone like me, because despite the horror of it all she is planning on pressing charges and making sure this fuck does at least a little time... this is something most victims (survivors) never do.
something i never did.
she is moving forward with her life, but some reminders stay around to haunt her... she should never have to sleep another night in that bed. so to show my appreciation for her friendship and support for me over the years, i wanted to do a little something.
ive always said its not about trying to save the world, but about trying to make a difference in your little corner of the world. call me idealistic all you like, but this is my way.
once again, i teamed up with 'right in the family jewels' to put out a line of necklaces. yes, they are brutal, i agree but there is something to be said about shock value. sometimes it calls attention and facilitates conversation, conversations that we tend to brush under the rug because no one seems to want to ruin comfortable banter with actual issues these days.
a portion of the proceeds will go to getting her a new bed and subsequent proceeds will be donated directly to, an amazing organization that provides FREE assistance to anyone in need.
if you need to talk to someone, you can call: 1.800.656.HOPE
they also have one on one online chats available on the site.
if you dont agree with my tactic, thats fine, dont buy the necklace.
but if you back what im doing, tell someone about it. start conversations. encourage discussion. get help. whatever you do, do not remain silent. there is always someone out there willing to listen and direct you help. a majority of the reason why only 6% of rapists ever spend a day in jail is because so many of us remain silent.

click the picture to take you to the store or go to then click store.
if you're worried about the necklaces breaking, i bought hard shipping boxes to prevent it from happening again.
- boardies, the money you sent is being donated directly to this organization.
i thank you as a part of the large group of women who have experience sexual abuse for putting this up and helping get awareness out.