+ Zodiac
+ UFC fights
+ Good Friends
+ Garage Band
+ Decent Tax Return so I can buy a Macbook
+ Best dog ever...
+ Seeing 1349 & Goatwhore on Easter
+ Jesu Vinyl Pre-order with Hoodie
- Feeling like I'm going to throw up from food while watching UFC fights
- Fucking weather
- Being open on Easter and knowing it'll just be assholes all day...
- Not knowing if Jesu is going to make it for their tour with ISIS
+ UFC fights
+ Good Friends
+ Garage Band
+ Decent Tax Return so I can buy a Macbook
+ Best dog ever...
+ Seeing 1349 & Goatwhore on Easter
+ Jesu Vinyl Pre-order with Hoodie
- Feeling like I'm going to throw up from food while watching UFC fights
- Fucking weather
- Being open on Easter and knowing it'll just be assholes all day...
- Not knowing if Jesu is going to make it for their tour with ISIS
