I just bought a mammoth fucking couch...i'm not sure if it's even gonna hit in the living room...
it's fucking big...
four recliners...it's going to take up my entire living room...
movie night at my place bitches...
it'll be delivered tomorrow.
ok, 1. Your dog is cute. 2. Where did you get a decent couch? Was it like break you expensive? We were on a mission to find one today and shit. No luck.
That's where we found one of the only decent ones. It was this green..........they had a really nice one at Value City furniture but my roomie though it was not comfortable enough. Whatever.
Dear ____,

Here's your $432.20.

That's 10 cents for every fucking name you've dropped in the last month.

We don't give a fuck...

We're all sick of fucking hearing about it...

We're not fucking impressed...

They're normal people just like you and me, they just happen to play instruments...

Is that why you're here? For some fucked up sort of acknowledgement? Or some scene points?...
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sick of your attitude
sick of you
your social clubs
your flavour of the month
i dont care you know
you dont know shit
fuck your popularity contest
i wanna see a murder contest
why are you even here?
who do you know
and who fucking cares?

Left for dead has a solution for everyone.
I believe shoe wearing is now officially outta the question. aha.

My best friend (and the artist I help manage) is currently engaged in a fight.

PLEASE GO TO www.PRINTWILLKILL.COM take one minute of your time and register than VOTE. His shirt is the one that has the orange background and crows on it. Please vote...

We really would use this win. It'll get his shirt put into production!!!


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Lesson of the day:
You know that razor, the one you should throw out, but you can probably get one last shave out of. Yea, throw that mother fucker away, don't fucking do it...I would have done better with a fucking sharpened rock...fuck.
i dunno if you've seen this yet, but i know you like 'em and i thought the footage was pretty good for a hand held.

btw, i thought i was the only who does the blunt razor thing, haha!!
Today will not rank on the 'one of the best days ever' list. It's only apperance might be on the 'Can we just start again' list. I'm not sure what I did to re-aggrivate my old knee injury, but it's pissed. The back of my knee is filled with fluid again. If we go quite a ways back, I had ortho surgery in about 96...
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I liked it enough that I would go see it again!

I started this petition back in 2003 with the help of Shelton (hank III). It's been brought back to life through alot of hard work on myspace. If you can spare a minute head over and sign this please...REINSTATE HANK WILLIAMS
True. His whole argument right now is that my chest is a bad place to get a tattoo because everyone can see it. He also thinks that when I'm an old grandma it will look gross and he'll think I'll regret getting it. Isn't that the point of getting a tattoo, you want it to be there forever? I don't know, he said that I should strongly consider getting it somewhere else. Which is better than not at all. And I really don't care that it will show when I wear my wedding dress. Thats what you get it for, especially a straight edge tattoo, so that people know. Because you're proud. I dunno its fucked up because he's always been straight edge too and into hardcore and will look at porn that features girls with tons of tattoos but he's weird about me getting it.
hope you have a great show tonight!

i also signed your petition. my folks are really into their bluegrass and traditional country, and while i listen mainly to the likes of Johnny Cash i understand the importance of country music heritage across the board. 9828 signatures is pretty good amount!
+ The Legion of Doom (Trevor from Face to Face mixing hardcore/emo/screamo and hip hop)

- Death trying to lurk...Hey Death. Fuck you, you fucking cocksucker. Stay the fuck away from her, We're not ready to let her go, she's much to young. (There may be a time in the immediate future where I have to go away for a while to be with my...
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man....fuck the last 12 months. not just this year but everything leading up to the fucking pile of shit that this year has already become. 3 months into it and its a cluster fuck of death and heartache. im really sorry dude. fuck.
+ 'my friend leonard' ~ It's a good and I don't give a fuck if it's not true.
+ At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
+ Jesu - remixes from silver
+ It's being almost a bearable temperature out
+ Ruiner getting a label so I can hear the new album
+ Salads with Morning Star chicken strips
+ Rise and Fall playing...
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+ Zodiac
+ UFC fights
+ Good Friends
+ Garage Band
+ Decent Tax Return so I can buy a Macbook
+ Best dog ever...
+ Seeing 1349 & Goatwhore on Easter
+ Jesu Vinyl Pre-order with Hoodie

- Feeling like I'm going to throw up from food while watching UFC fights
- Fucking weather
- Being open on Easter and knowing it'll just be...
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sure did. fucking ridiculous. it's so hard to believe that that man is 43 years old surreal
Fuck yeah for Zodiac and UFC! Awesome PPV

And frown for feeling sick. Weird..my fiance called into work today because he's sick too. And now I feel like I'm getting a cold
They just made KID ICARUS available for download on the WII virtual console...

I'll see you kids in a few days...

garage band may prove more usefull that I originally thought. Fruity Loops is Windows only. found the jap. only disk 2 stuff of the self titled. i may want/need that amp soon if youre truly serious about this project. get at me soon about this. enjoy your game. ill enjoy bordom.
The "B" Situation. In thought it seems like a good and really wanted idea. but in the long run and for the actual sake of my sanity its a terrible thing to put myself(and friends) through. i thought alot about it today at work. its all i do. but, well see how what happens.
jesu is ruining my life.

do you love me...help me find the japanese import of their first album so I can buy it...

i looked at that wrong at first and thought it said Jesus! lmao that was funny.
Listening to the American Nightmare set from the Fireside in 2001 is fucking incredible...holy shit this was an amazing show!!!

I just sent my resume to Metro Park I figured it couldn't hurt to talk to people. They're opening a store on Halstead this summer.

Matt's solo show got fucked...the gallery is closing...so we're searching for a new place. He has over 30 paintings already...
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