I guess it's time an update occurred around here. It should have happened sooner but a combination of work, social interactions, and this strange bout with depression I'm currently dealing with prevented me from doing so. So, there you have it, a shitty excuse for my absence.
First off, thanks for the birthday wishes. My birthday was quite uneventful, until I was invited out to a dive bar in Allston by aegiswings, MissTyrios, and Sid. I had a great time, especially after I downed the drinks everyone bought for me. It helped me forget the fact that not only did the "girl" not remember/care what day it was, but that I also didn't hear anything from my own mother until I called to talk to my brother. My brother, by the way, called me at 12:01 AM. That's fucking awesome.
Disney World was really great at times, and a bit shitty at others. I may be getting some pictures soon, so I'll go into more details when they show up. For now, let's just say that there were some amazing moments that I'll never forget, and there were a couple I wish I could block out.
I could have had a better time if I could have stopped thinking about what was going on between the "girl" and I. I knew going into the trip that it would be a slight shift back to what we were months ago, but once we left it would revert back to the whole "I'll see you whenever, and I'll only call you if I don't hear from you for a couple weeks" situation she's created. And that bothered me so much, that one day I even left the park to get away from her.
Sure, I could have pushed my feelings aside (Just as she does, oh so well) and let everything go, but I couldn't. Knowing that we weren't a "couple", but were acting like one for a week fucked me up. And now that we're back in Boston and my previously mentioned situation is currently occurring, I'm in an emotional ditch. It's not deep, but it still sucks to be in it.
I've actually tried to end things completely between us a few times over the past month, but to no avail. Personal confrontations (Which I prefer) aren't working, as she has her ways of diffusing/avoiding the situation before I can get into it. I hate doing the phone thing, as it seems so immature in a "high school" sort of way. My only other options are writing a letter (That I'll probably never send), and just blowing her off. But the latter option is really hard for me to do, as I'm constantly reminded of her. In fact, I had a horrible dream about confronting her last night, in which she stated that she didn't care, and then all of our mutual friends said goodbye to me and stated "It was nice knowing you". Suffice to say, I woke up in a horrible mood.
A few closing images for everyone.
Quite possibly, the greatest book ever printed:
This book pulled me out of my funk quite a few times during the trip.
Found on almost any ride in Disney:
First off, thanks for the birthday wishes. My birthday was quite uneventful, until I was invited out to a dive bar in Allston by aegiswings, MissTyrios, and Sid. I had a great time, especially after I downed the drinks everyone bought for me. It helped me forget the fact that not only did the "girl" not remember/care what day it was, but that I also didn't hear anything from my own mother until I called to talk to my brother. My brother, by the way, called me at 12:01 AM. That's fucking awesome.
Disney World was really great at times, and a bit shitty at others. I may be getting some pictures soon, so I'll go into more details when they show up. For now, let's just say that there were some amazing moments that I'll never forget, and there were a couple I wish I could block out.
I could have had a better time if I could have stopped thinking about what was going on between the "girl" and I. I knew going into the trip that it would be a slight shift back to what we were months ago, but once we left it would revert back to the whole "I'll see you whenever, and I'll only call you if I don't hear from you for a couple weeks" situation she's created. And that bothered me so much, that one day I even left the park to get away from her.
Sure, I could have pushed my feelings aside (Just as she does, oh so well) and let everything go, but I couldn't. Knowing that we weren't a "couple", but were acting like one for a week fucked me up. And now that we're back in Boston and my previously mentioned situation is currently occurring, I'm in an emotional ditch. It's not deep, but it still sucks to be in it.
I've actually tried to end things completely between us a few times over the past month, but to no avail. Personal confrontations (Which I prefer) aren't working, as she has her ways of diffusing/avoiding the situation before I can get into it. I hate doing the phone thing, as it seems so immature in a "high school" sort of way. My only other options are writing a letter (That I'll probably never send), and just blowing her off. But the latter option is really hard for me to do, as I'm constantly reminded of her. In fact, I had a horrible dream about confronting her last night, in which she stated that she didn't care, and then all of our mutual friends said goodbye to me and stated "It was nice knowing you". Suffice to say, I woke up in a horrible mood.
A few closing images for everyone.
Quite possibly, the greatest book ever printed:

This book pulled me out of my funk quite a few times during the trip.
Found on almost any ride in Disney:

feel better, i would have called to tell you a happy bday if i had your number...things will get better...i swear!
Lots of Love
a lot.
my sister will be alright eventually
i hope things get settled and you get some closure