Due to prying eyes, I, for the time being, cannot divulge information on certain aspects of my life. Have no fear, as within the next month, those prying eyes will be rendered obsolete, or even blind, if you choose to be humorous.
Let's go with blind, as you know I prefer "teh funny".
The new Dane Cook CD arrived in my greedy little hands yesterday. It's good. It may take me a few more listens to fully enjoy it, but right now I'm going to say it's not as good as the first one. After all of the build-up, and the due to the fact that it was supposed to be released over 7 months ago, I think I let myself get too worked up about it.
I got some interesting news yesterday. My little brother has his first job. It may not be a great job, but it's still better than my first job (Burger King. Sure, I still eat there once in a while, but it is an absolutely horrid place to work.). He is working at a Hot Topic, and it seems like a natural fit for him. He's only sixteen, actually, a month shy of seventeen, so the whole piercings/tattoos thing isn't present yet. But I know it will be. We're still planning on getting out first tattoos together once he turns eighteen, or whenever he can get parental permission for it.
I'm currently listening to Prick's debut album. It's nothing short of amazing. Too bad it didn't make enough waves to become huge. But, as it sometimes goes, some of the best things you discover slip under everyone else's radars. And then you get to feel all special-like when you share it with someone else who has never experienced it. I'm pretty sure boundcreature feels that way every time he shows/plays me something I've never seen/heard and I ask 'What's this?", because that usually means I like it. He is probably responsible for at least five out of the last ten albums I've purchased. He knows his shit.
I still miss camping.
Let's go with blind, as you know I prefer "teh funny".

The new Dane Cook CD arrived in my greedy little hands yesterday. It's good. It may take me a few more listens to fully enjoy it, but right now I'm going to say it's not as good as the first one. After all of the build-up, and the due to the fact that it was supposed to be released over 7 months ago, I think I let myself get too worked up about it.
I got some interesting news yesterday. My little brother has his first job. It may not be a great job, but it's still better than my first job (Burger King. Sure, I still eat there once in a while, but it is an absolutely horrid place to work.). He is working at a Hot Topic, and it seems like a natural fit for him. He's only sixteen, actually, a month shy of seventeen, so the whole piercings/tattoos thing isn't present yet. But I know it will be. We're still planning on getting out first tattoos together once he turns eighteen, or whenever he can get parental permission for it.
I'm currently listening to Prick's debut album. It's nothing short of amazing. Too bad it didn't make enough waves to become huge. But, as it sometimes goes, some of the best things you discover slip under everyone else's radars. And then you get to feel all special-like when you share it with someone else who has never experienced it. I'm pretty sure boundcreature feels that way every time he shows/plays me something I've never seen/heard and I ask 'What's this?", because that usually means I like it. He is probably responsible for at least five out of the last ten albums I've purchased. He knows his shit.
I still miss camping.
that's pretty funny
but seriously...i feel like those things prob wouldn't work...prob dont' pick up very well