Last night's Horror Movie Slumber Party was nothing short of awesome. I arrived shortly after 7 PM, and was greeted by boundcreature, ThePants, Palo, and Gardiac. After a few minutes of chit-chat, we recieved a phone call, and it turns out that Fatality and her boy Capital needed to be picked up. Seeing as I was the only one there other than Gardiac not involved in the cooking of the numerous gigantic strombolis, I went to get them. boundcreature told me to look for a good-looking couple in front of a CVS in Harvard Square, and that Fatality would be wearing a green dress. Easy enough, or so it would seem. Gardiac and I drove into Harvard Square, and found a CVS but no one was waiting outside. I quickly parked the car, and looked for them inside, but no such luck. I continued around the square, and called back to the house, and found out that there are two CVS' in the Square, and I had obviously gone to the wrong one. I found the right one shortly thereafter, but there was no good-looking couple with a girl in a green dress waiting outside. But, there happened to be a good-looking couple with a girl wearing a green sweater, so I pulled over and waved at them. Luckily enough, it was them, and they jumped into the car and we made our way back to the house. A few people had shown up since we had left, most notably Mylf (whose foot was stepped on no less than four times during the evening, once by myself) and Pip. It was so good to see her again, even if she did bring Pip with her.
At random intervals, other individuals came in, such as aegiswings, Blondie, Hemlock, MissTyrios, Sid, Strio, a guy named Paul,and someone else who I can't quite remember... But, what I do remember is that he smoked and kept using a shoe to flip the lightswitch during the night. Sorry. EDIT: jebustheimpaler is the smoking shoe-flipper... Thanks to ThePants!
Anyways, the party then started, and to tell you the truth, being surrounded by friends (some old and hopefully some new), eating tons of food, and watching movies whilst in our PJs is pretty darn high on my list of ways to spend a weekend night. There were some pretty amusing movies shown, and luckily I was in the right company, as we all threw in our own commentary, a l MST3K.
Morning eventually came, and with the sun's rising, a few people left which opened up room on the floor for me to pass out on. "Dog Soldiers" was the last movie shown, and unfortunately I was sleeping through most of it. I woke up to Granny trying my glasses on and asking if I have looked in to laser-corrective surgery.
We then inducted our newest member into Team Most Ultimatest. Behold, ThePants. It was a unanimous decision by all TMU members in attendance, and was only a matter of time, as he fits so well into our rag-tag, gung-ho gang of sorts. Shortly thereafter we said our goodbyes, and I dropped Granny off at her destination of choice. As I was making my way home, I took a glance at my phone and noticed I had a voice-mail. I guessed it was probably from my grandmother reminding me that my aunt's baby shower was taking place later in the day, and that she would meet me there. But, I was wrong.
It turned out to be the my ex, and she wanted to know if I wanted to go see a movie with her today. We were supposed to go to a movie a week ago, but we all know what happened with that.
I didn't go, and actually ended up missing the baby shower because I passed out after I got off the phone with her.
Anyways, the infomercials are starting to dominate the TV airwaves, so I'll take that as my sign to wind it down.
Last night's Horror Movie Slumber Party was nothing short of awesome. I arrived shortly after 7 PM, and was greeted by boundcreature, ThePants, Palo, and Gardiac. After a few minutes of chit-chat, we recieved a phone call, and it turns out that Fatality and her boy Capital needed to be picked up. Seeing as I was the only one there other than Gardiac not involved in the cooking of the numerous gigantic strombolis, I went to get them. boundcreature told me to look for a good-looking couple in front of a CVS in Harvard Square, and that Fatality would be wearing a green dress. Easy enough, or so it would seem. Gardiac and I drove into Harvard Square, and found a CVS but no one was waiting outside. I quickly parked the car, and looked for them inside, but no such luck. I continued around the square, and called back to the house, and found out that there are two CVS' in the Square, and I had obviously gone to the wrong one. I found the right one shortly thereafter, but there was no good-looking couple with a girl in a green dress waiting outside. But, there happened to be a good-looking couple with a girl wearing a green sweater, so I pulled over and waved at them. Luckily enough, it was them, and they jumped into the car and we made our way back to the house. A few people had shown up since we had left, most notably Mylf (whose foot was stepped on no less than four times during the evening, once by myself) and Pip. It was so good to see her again, even if she did bring Pip with her.

At random intervals, other individuals came in, such as aegiswings, Blondie, Hemlock, MissTyrios, Sid, Strio, a guy named Paul,and someone else who I can't quite remember... But, what I do remember is that he smoked and kept using a shoe to flip the lightswitch during the night. Sorry. EDIT: jebustheimpaler is the smoking shoe-flipper... Thanks to ThePants!
Anyways, the party then started, and to tell you the truth, being surrounded by friends (some old and hopefully some new), eating tons of food, and watching movies whilst in our PJs is pretty darn high on my list of ways to spend a weekend night. There were some pretty amusing movies shown, and luckily I was in the right company, as we all threw in our own commentary, a l MST3K.
Morning eventually came, and with the sun's rising, a few people left which opened up room on the floor for me to pass out on. "Dog Soldiers" was the last movie shown, and unfortunately I was sleeping through most of it. I woke up to Granny trying my glasses on and asking if I have looked in to laser-corrective surgery.

We then inducted our newest member into Team Most Ultimatest. Behold, ThePants. It was a unanimous decision by all TMU members in attendance, and was only a matter of time, as he fits so well into our rag-tag, gung-ho gang of sorts. Shortly thereafter we said our goodbyes, and I dropped Granny off at her destination of choice. As I was making my way home, I took a glance at my phone and noticed I had a voice-mail. I guessed it was probably from my grandmother reminding me that my aunt's baby shower was taking place later in the day, and that she would meet me there. But, I was wrong.
It turned out to be the my ex, and she wanted to know if I wanted to go see a movie with her today. We were supposed to go to a movie a week ago, but we all know what happened with that.

Anyways, the infomercials are starting to dominate the TV airwaves, so I'll take that as my sign to wind it down.
I was really glad that I ended up going, I had a lot of fun. Hopefully, we will get to see everyone again. I won't be here over the summer, but after that, perhaps.
And thank you very much. Perhaps I should change my picture after my set goes up. Hopefully, soon.
I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more, or at all, but someone had kept me cooking and cleaning all day, so I was a bit worn out.
I wouldn't miss out on camping for anything.