Twice in a week! Just my luck. Now, I've finally found a reason to have hatred towards Boston and Cambridge.
Well, it all started last Monday (1/10). I went out with BuckyKatt666 for coffee (We ended up getting apple cider, which is infinitely better in all respects) and to chat a bit at a cafe in Cambridge. I parked in a spot marked "Permit Only", but figured it wouldn't be a big deal, seeing as it was after 8 PM, and all the other spots around me were empty. Also, I've parked in many "Permit Only" spaces before, and never had a problem, but not this time, my friends, oh no.
We were gone maybe an hour and a half, and decided to head back so he could get some work done. We walk to a spot across the street from where I was parked and notice that, yup, my car is not there. I was a bit pissed, but figured that it would be no big deal, probably just an inconvenience I could easily deal with a small monetary exchange and a light walk. But, as I was talking to the towing company (Interestingly enough, named "Phil's Towing"), they informed me that I owed them $110, and that the place they had taken it to was almost 3 miles away. I wasn't about to catch a taxi, and end up paying someone another $10 to get me lost in Cambridge, so I figured I would walk. Luckily, BuckyKatt666 came along, and kept me entertained along the chilly trek. "I'll be sure to never do that again." I thought to myself.
I'll spare you the details with the events of last night so let's do a flow chart, shall we? FUN FOR EVERYONE!
Go to Ceremony in Boston -> Park in spot outside of bar, looking for obvious warning signs, and not finding any -> Proceed to enjoy the night's events, and get asked to provide transportation for girl and her room-mate -> Go outside to leave, and notice an SUV has replaced my car -> Look for sign, find it conveniently placed (And rather small) on the second story of building -> Call towing company and get informed of the whereabouts of my car, and of the $110 charge for towing -> Remark to girl about personal luck -> Get sympathy hug, which did make me feel a lot better -> Get ride from her room-mate's brother -> Get cute, sad, puppy-dog faces from girl for whole ride
-> Arrive at towing company and retrieve car -> Proceed to get quite lost on way back to girl's house -> Find Mass. Ave. and breathe huge sigh of relief -> End night sleeping next to girl at her place.
Well, it's about time to end this night. Alone, but without outrageous fines to pay this time.
Well, it all started last Monday (1/10). I went out with BuckyKatt666 for coffee (We ended up getting apple cider, which is infinitely better in all respects) and to chat a bit at a cafe in Cambridge. I parked in a spot marked "Permit Only", but figured it wouldn't be a big deal, seeing as it was after 8 PM, and all the other spots around me were empty. Also, I've parked in many "Permit Only" spaces before, and never had a problem, but not this time, my friends, oh no.
We were gone maybe an hour and a half, and decided to head back so he could get some work done. We walk to a spot across the street from where I was parked and notice that, yup, my car is not there. I was a bit pissed, but figured that it would be no big deal, probably just an inconvenience I could easily deal with a small monetary exchange and a light walk. But, as I was talking to the towing company (Interestingly enough, named "Phil's Towing"), they informed me that I owed them $110, and that the place they had taken it to was almost 3 miles away. I wasn't about to catch a taxi, and end up paying someone another $10 to get me lost in Cambridge, so I figured I would walk. Luckily, BuckyKatt666 came along, and kept me entertained along the chilly trek. "I'll be sure to never do that again." I thought to myself.
I'll spare you the details with the events of last night so let's do a flow chart, shall we? FUN FOR EVERYONE!
Go to Ceremony in Boston -> Park in spot outside of bar, looking for obvious warning signs, and not finding any -> Proceed to enjoy the night's events, and get asked to provide transportation for girl and her room-mate -> Go outside to leave, and notice an SUV has replaced my car -> Look for sign, find it conveniently placed (And rather small) on the second story of building -> Call towing company and get informed of the whereabouts of my car, and of the $110 charge for towing -> Remark to girl about personal luck -> Get sympathy hug, which did make me feel a lot better -> Get ride from her room-mate's brother -> Get cute, sad, puppy-dog faces from girl for whole ride

Well, it's about time to end this night. Alone, but without outrageous fines to pay this time.

talk to you later, it's almost bedtime.
Now to reply to your comments:
You did seem a bit more sociable this past time. But, you did have someone with you, so I'm sure that made you feel a bit more comfortable. Now, if we can just get you out to an event, we'd be all set.
Onto the pictures...
Yeah, where exactly are your pants?
I really didnt have any on. Ha ha ha, dont worry I found em, and they are super pink and super monkey-fied!
And yes, everyone does indeed love an Asian girl. Especially when she has her fingers conveniently placed between her umm... Dirty pillows?
Dirty pillows! You crack me up!
Oh, and you have a, umm... monkey on your head there. You might want to get that checked out.
I figured as long as the monkey isnt on my back I am ok with it being on my head.