Update, you say? It's been three weeks already? If it gets that far between updates, it's due to one of, or a combination of, three things.
1) I'm severely depressed, and/or tired.
2) I'm unusually busy, working and/or conversing with people outside my house.
3) I don't have anything I feel is worth sharing. Hey, it happens. I could go on an on about how uneventful my days at work are, or I could muse about the meaning behind everything I encounter, but, I'm not much of a muser. Unless it's about understanding girls.
This time was option #2, with a side of #3.
I've been seeing quite a bit of the girl I mentioned in my previous post (see party option 2). She's pretty awesome. Not only does she get my jokes (and laugh without me having to explain them), but get this, she makes ME laugh. Sure, some girls I've been with make me chuckle once in a while, but it's a constant thing with this girl.
Girl + great sense of humor = Trs magnifique, indeed.
She also partakes in old-school gaming action, and absolutely schooled me in Super Mario Brothers 3 last week.
Girl + video games = Beaucoup d'amusement.
So far, she's rocking my socks pretty hard. But, I'm making sure to keep myself a bit distant, so I can avoid another SNAFU like the last one. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed *cough*Silvernut*cough*.
I've begun to notice, through my own realization and the observations of others who know about it, that I'm not going to make much progress with my wrestling training if I can't save money for it. My main problem with the "saving money" thing is that I work in retail, and get a pretty decent discount. Thus, I have made many, many extraneous purchases such as:
My ever-growing pile of, as of yet to be watched, DVDs. And,
The newest addition to my video game system family, my Nintendo DS.
And while on the topic of my retail woes, I made quite an ass out of myself. While going up the escalator to my store today, I began to think of all the different numbers I've memorized for my job, such as my six-digit employee number, the six-digit safe combinations, and the six-digit alarm arm/disarm code. Unfortunately, while recalling said numbers, I mixed them up, and temporarily forgot the correct alarm arm/disarm code. "No problem", I thought, "I'll remember it when I see the keypad.".
But, no, I completely blanked out when I got inside, and then proceeded to "guess" what it was. I was wrong on every attempt, and soon enough mall security came up to ask why the alarm was going off. I very simply told him that I had forgotten the code, and that I was in the process of acquiring it. He then responded by asking "Well, you guys are going to open on time, right?" "Of course we will, as soon as I get the code from the alarm company." I replied. And that was it. He then walked away, without even a backwards glance.
What if I had broken into the store and was in the process of stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise? I figured he would have stayed there until I got the correct code, as to verify the validity of my statement. I guess he had better things to do, like stopping by Dunkin' Donuts for his morning coffee and glazed confection(s). Anyways, I eventually got the code, and everything was peachy keen from there on, and I only had to deal with two managers calling me asking why our alarm company woke them with a call about a tripped alarm.
Anyways, I should be posting a bit more often, now that I'm back to working only 5 days a week. And, to start things off on an interesting note, if you feel like it, ask me a question. Anything you ever wanted, or not wanted, to know about me. Go for it, you know you want to
1) I'm severely depressed, and/or tired.
2) I'm unusually busy, working and/or conversing with people outside my house.
3) I don't have anything I feel is worth sharing. Hey, it happens. I could go on an on about how uneventful my days at work are, or I could muse about the meaning behind everything I encounter, but, I'm not much of a muser. Unless it's about understanding girls.
This time was option #2, with a side of #3.
I've been seeing quite a bit of the girl I mentioned in my previous post (see party option 2). She's pretty awesome. Not only does she get my jokes (and laugh without me having to explain them), but get this, she makes ME laugh. Sure, some girls I've been with make me chuckle once in a while, but it's a constant thing with this girl.
Girl + great sense of humor = Trs magnifique, indeed.
She also partakes in old-school gaming action, and absolutely schooled me in Super Mario Brothers 3 last week.

Girl + video games = Beaucoup d'amusement.
So far, she's rocking my socks pretty hard. But, I'm making sure to keep myself a bit distant, so I can avoid another SNAFU like the last one. I'll be sure to keep everyone informed *cough*Silvernut*cough*.
I've begun to notice, through my own realization and the observations of others who know about it, that I'm not going to make much progress with my wrestling training if I can't save money for it. My main problem with the "saving money" thing is that I work in retail, and get a pretty decent discount. Thus, I have made many, many extraneous purchases such as:

My ever-growing pile of, as of yet to be watched, DVDs. And,

The newest addition to my video game system family, my Nintendo DS.
And while on the topic of my retail woes, I made quite an ass out of myself. While going up the escalator to my store today, I began to think of all the different numbers I've memorized for my job, such as my six-digit employee number, the six-digit safe combinations, and the six-digit alarm arm/disarm code. Unfortunately, while recalling said numbers, I mixed them up, and temporarily forgot the correct alarm arm/disarm code. "No problem", I thought, "I'll remember it when I see the keypad.".
But, no, I completely blanked out when I got inside, and then proceeded to "guess" what it was. I was wrong on every attempt, and soon enough mall security came up to ask why the alarm was going off. I very simply told him that I had forgotten the code, and that I was in the process of acquiring it. He then responded by asking "Well, you guys are going to open on time, right?" "Of course we will, as soon as I get the code from the alarm company." I replied. And that was it. He then walked away, without even a backwards glance.
What if I had broken into the store and was in the process of stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise? I figured he would have stayed there until I got the correct code, as to verify the validity of my statement. I guess he had better things to do, like stopping by Dunkin' Donuts for his morning coffee and glazed confection(s). Anyways, I eventually got the code, and everything was peachy keen from there on, and I only had to deal with two managers calling me asking why our alarm company woke them with a call about a tripped alarm.

Anyways, I should be posting a bit more often, now that I'm back to working only 5 days a week. And, to start things off on an interesting note, if you feel like it, ask me a question. Anything you ever wanted, or not wanted, to know about me. Go for it, you know you want to

"hell yeah, i'm a dirty white boy!"-meatwad.
Well, I have new pix. So go look!