So, Round #3 went well. I met up with her and her friend at her house, and we watched "Emperor's New Groove". I enjoyed the movie, even though she fell asleep on my shoulder three-quarters through the movie, which isn't really a bad thing...
She woke up when it ended and we all ended up talking for an hour or so, before she had to kick us out so she could get some sleep. Same ending as the previous nights, no complaints there. So, yeah, I had a good time, and seeing as she keeps agreeing to these outings, she must be having a good time as well. I must be doing something right!
Anyways, onto Halloween. I didn't do anything. Well, I did go to Manray on Wednesday with BuckyKatt666, and our outfits turned out rather well (especially his), considering I never did find a wig. We lost the costume contest, but that was a given. I knew we had lost when I saw that Jack Skellington costume out on the dance floor. Anyways, I did take some pictures of my facepaint afterwards...
I may have some pictures to post of us before the club, but it may be a while. Or, it may never occur, depending on whether or not we both agree they are worth posting.
I did go out after work tonight, had some Pad Thai, and shared 4 volcano bowls (Mmm... Rum and various fruit juices) with my fellow managers. Nothing too exciting, but at least it was something to do.
Well, I have to be up in a few hours for work, so I'm out.
P.S. If you know Granny, go send her some love, right now. If you don't, you should anyways.
She woke up when it ended and we all ended up talking for an hour or so, before she had to kick us out so she could get some sleep. Same ending as the previous nights, no complaints there. So, yeah, I had a good time, and seeing as she keeps agreeing to these outings, she must be having a good time as well. I must be doing something right!
Anyways, onto Halloween. I didn't do anything. Well, I did go to Manray on Wednesday with BuckyKatt666, and our outfits turned out rather well (especially his), considering I never did find a wig. We lost the costume contest, but that was a given. I knew we had lost when I saw that Jack Skellington costume out on the dance floor. Anyways, I did take some pictures of my facepaint afterwards...

I may have some pictures to post of us before the club, but it may be a while. Or, it may never occur, depending on whether or not we both agree they are worth posting.

I did go out after work tonight, had some Pad Thai, and shared 4 volcano bowls (Mmm... Rum and various fruit juices) with my fellow managers. Nothing too exciting, but at least it was something to do.
Well, I have to be up in a few hours for work, so I'm out.
P.S. If you know Granny, go send her some love, right now. If you don't, you should anyways.
any plans for the weekend?
Has there been a round 4?