So, I discovered something rather interesting tonight. Apparently, Hotmail doesn't like giving me messages sent from SG. Sure, I get the billing stuff without a problem, but when it comes to actual people contacting me through my contact button, it doesn't work. I think it filters it out as junk mail, and I have my filter set to delete all mail marked as junk.
Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn.
Well, I set up a new e-mail address, and it seems to work so far. If you have sent me a message through those means, try it again. I'm sure it will work this time.
Oh, my ankle is healing quite nicely. I still have a little pain every so often, but I'm probably at 75% mobility. So, no more shuffling, or hopping! Yay me!

Well, I set up a new e-mail address, and it seems to work so far. If you have sent me a message through those means, try it again. I'm sure it will work this time.

Oh, my ankle is healing quite nicely. I still have a little pain every so often, but I'm probably at 75% mobility. So, no more shuffling, or hopping! Yay me!
I have hotmail as well, but have had no problems(that I know of) so far. Glad your ankle is feeling better.

i had to create a new account for the sg msgs...