After viewing my prior journal entry and the responses it generated, I realized some things. As a whole, it was a bit immature, selfish, and hastidly written considering the mood I was in and the information I actually had to base my opinion on. So, I decided to dig a bit deeper into why I would feel I did, and I think I may have discovered something.
As I was growing up, I never stayed in one place for too long. The longest amount of time I stayed in one school system was five years (8th-12th grade) and the longest I had stayed in a single residence was four years. Suffice to say, I didn't get much of a chance to make any worthwhile relationships with anyone. I moved to Massachusetts almost two years ago, and figured it would be my chance to rectify that situation. But I forgot to realize that even though this is a chance to make up for lost social interactions from my adolesence, I'm not in an adolescent situation anymore and thoughts like these are rather childish:
"If they haven't contacted me in a week or so, they've lost interest in me."
"They went out and did stuff without me, again. Something's up."
I need to stop thinking like this. Not only are my assumptions not true, but they only end up making things more difficult for me, and in turn, end up putting stress on my relationships and the people in them. I need to "grow up" a little bit more. I've met a plethora of people since moving here, and have made some great friends. But just as I do, they have jobs and other friends. And just as they don't expect me to be available all the time, I should only think the same of them.
This weekend turned out rather nicely, despite the lack of apple-picking due to bad weather and bad hangovers. I, along with a few others (boundcreature, jebustheimpaler, Palo, Strix, The_Alchemist) watched movies and celebrated Palo's birthday at The_Alchemist's place. I finally saw "Boondock Saints", and just like my experience with "Alien" earlier in the week, I feel as if my life is a bit more complete after viewing it. Honestly, I have no idea why I waited so long to see those masterpieces.
Later that night, we ( -Strix, + the wandering gypsy, aoife) went out dancing. We had a great time, and continued our conversation(s) at the local IHOP where Palo ended up spilling a glass of iced tea on the table and onto boundcreature's lap.
We ended the night after dinner/breakfast and I drove home to catch a bit of sleep before work the next morning.
Getting late. Possibly an interesting day at work later today. Details may follow.
As I was growing up, I never stayed in one place for too long. The longest amount of time I stayed in one school system was five years (8th-12th grade) and the longest I had stayed in a single residence was four years. Suffice to say, I didn't get much of a chance to make any worthwhile relationships with anyone. I moved to Massachusetts almost two years ago, and figured it would be my chance to rectify that situation. But I forgot to realize that even though this is a chance to make up for lost social interactions from my adolesence, I'm not in an adolescent situation anymore and thoughts like these are rather childish:
"If they haven't contacted me in a week or so, they've lost interest in me."
"They went out and did stuff without me, again. Something's up."
I need to stop thinking like this. Not only are my assumptions not true, but they only end up making things more difficult for me, and in turn, end up putting stress on my relationships and the people in them. I need to "grow up" a little bit more. I've met a plethora of people since moving here, and have made some great friends. But just as I do, they have jobs and other friends. And just as they don't expect me to be available all the time, I should only think the same of them.
This weekend turned out rather nicely, despite the lack of apple-picking due to bad weather and bad hangovers. I, along with a few others (boundcreature, jebustheimpaler, Palo, Strix, The_Alchemist) watched movies and celebrated Palo's birthday at The_Alchemist's place. I finally saw "Boondock Saints", and just like my experience with "Alien" earlier in the week, I feel as if my life is a bit more complete after viewing it. Honestly, I have no idea why I waited so long to see those masterpieces.
Later that night, we ( -Strix, + the wandering gypsy, aoife) went out dancing. We had a great time, and continued our conversation(s) at the local IHOP where Palo ended up spilling a glass of iced tea on the table and onto boundcreature's lap.

Getting late. Possibly an interesting day at work later today. Details may follow.
where are you!
the details didnt follow...