Man, I missed August totally.
I suck.
Let me do what I can to catch up.
1. Work

Let me do what I can to catch up.
1. Work
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So, you know what? I really haven't enjoyed much about work for the last year and a half or so, having been put "in charge" of a group of people no sensible person would choose to be in charge of. But slowly, somehow, it's semi-working itself out. The two new guys who started in midyear are working out pretty well so far, and they've changed the balance of terror somewhat in my favour.
I've been asked to write a paper for a special issue of this journal, one of those new and slightly weird inter-disciplinary journals most of us have never heard of, but it was flattering to be invited, and they've basically asked me to write a paper I should've written several years ago.
I'm going to have an interesting few months dealing with a power-struggle that's been ongoing since I took on this leadership role. I have a new ally in the battle. Interesting times.
I've been asked to write a paper for a special issue of this journal, one of those new and slightly weird inter-disciplinary journals most of us have never heard of, but it was flattering to be invited, and they've basically asked me to write a paper I should've written several years ago.
I'm going to have an interesting few months dealing with a power-struggle that's been ongoing since I took on this leadership role. I have a new ally in the battle. Interesting times.
2. Health
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I got sick as a dog in the weeks leading up to the SGAU Ball. The flu season was particularly brutal this year and it laid me up for well over a week, some of that time being while TFOG was away. (She was booked to travel to the US, and she had it sorted to go first class, and a couple of days before she was due to go, she followed me in getting sick. Fortunately for her, at least she travelled while ill in great comfort.)
Since the Ball, I've had an old toothache issue rear its painful head again, and I'm now in the middle of root canal treatment. Two visits down, two to go.
Since the Ball, I've had an old toothache issue rear its painful head again, and I'm now in the middle of root canal treatment. Two visits down, two to go.
3. Ball
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The SGAU Ball was held in Brisbane in mid-August. Most of the people who were there have already blogged about it and we've had plenty of discussion of the aftermath within SGAU. Let's just say it was a lot of fun, people coped very well with adversity (the tagged bus, for starters!), and I met a lot of new people and old friends. I lapdanced some people and generally behaved a little bit badly but it was fun. And I got to meet my ball-date anepiphany in person for the first time. Oh my.
4. Girl
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TheFuckOffGirl does not like it when, in bed, I lie with my head "below" hers (closer to the foot of the bed). She says it's like sleeping with a midget. If I ever lie like that, she calls me her "prison bitch". When my tooth was giving me great pain, my right cheek swelled up noticeably. At that point the description changed to "fat-faced prison bitch."
We've developed a relatively new couple-friend relationship with two Englishfolk who are quite funny and charming. She's decided to use the modern piece of parlance, "bromance", to describe James (the dude) and I, who get along quite well. (The stereotypical bromance would be Joey and Chandler from Friends.) When asked what the equivalent relationship description should be for two women, TFOG came up with "ho-mance".
We've developed a relatively new couple-friend relationship with two Englishfolk who are quite funny and charming. She's decided to use the modern piece of parlance, "bromance", to describe James (the dude) and I, who get along quite well. (The stereotypical bromance would be Joey and Chandler from Friends.) When asked what the equivalent relationship description should be for two women, TFOG came up with "ho-mance".
5. People
Pretty funny