No. #25 in a series of lame updates without much to say.
I'm back from New Zealand -- have been since Monday. It was unspeakably gorgeous there, it's an amazingly beautiful country.
DISCLAIMER: Pictures stolen from the web. Mine will be uploaded later. Hopefully you can click on them for the full versions if they don't fit into the journal space properly.
Wellington first: (Capital of NZ, bottom of the north island.)
Then a ferry to the top of the south island, to Picton, nestled in the Queen Charlotte sound.
While in a Picton motel we watched an ad for the upcoming Fifty Cent tour, and an ad for The Sixth Sense on the movie channel, and TheFuckOffGirl did her best New Zealand accent as follows:
"Futty Cint has the Suxth Sinse un Pucton."
Try keeping your front teeth (upper and lower) together when you speak.
From there, a food and wine festival in Blenheim, then drive down the east coast of the south island past Kiakoura.
Then to the beautiful town of Akaroa, on the Banks Peninsula.
Then Christchurch and Dunedin. Close encounters with seals and penguins and sealions and ... can you tell I had a great time? (We had a great time.)
Now, to close:
In honour of the Futty Cint movie, try adding "or die trying" to the end of statements.
Example: "I'm going to take a shower ... or die trying."
"Let's go to the movies ... or die trying."
Have fun with it.
Oh. And I hit 20000 comments today.
I'm back from New Zealand -- have been since Monday. It was unspeakably gorgeous there, it's an amazingly beautiful country.
DISCLAIMER: Pictures stolen from the web. Mine will be uploaded later. Hopefully you can click on them for the full versions if they don't fit into the journal space properly.
Wellington first: (Capital of NZ, bottom of the north island.)

Then a ferry to the top of the south island, to Picton, nestled in the Queen Charlotte sound.
While in a Picton motel we watched an ad for the upcoming Fifty Cent tour, and an ad for The Sixth Sense on the movie channel, and TheFuckOffGirl did her best New Zealand accent as follows:
"Futty Cint has the Suxth Sinse un Pucton."
Try keeping your front teeth (upper and lower) together when you speak.

From there, a food and wine festival in Blenheim, then drive down the east coast of the south island past Kiakoura.

Then to the beautiful town of Akaroa, on the Banks Peninsula.

Then Christchurch and Dunedin. Close encounters with seals and penguins and sealions and ... can you tell I had a great time? (We had a great time.)
Now, to close:
In honour of the Futty Cint movie, try adding "or die trying" to the end of statements.
Example: "I'm going to take a shower ... or die trying."
"Let's go to the movies ... or die trying."
Have fun with it.
Oh. And I hit 20000 comments today.

[Edited on Mar 07, 2006 3:25PM]