I'm going to ask TheFuckOffGirl to give me the best of her Japan pictures and I'll post them here, if she obliges.
I hung out with traceelement, and met the lovely Allura and mattblack last night. The plan also involved catching up with Pandie while she was in town but that didn't quite seem to work out.
I haven't put up many fun TFOG stories lately. You might be interested to hear about how she responds when I massage her (which can mean poking parts of her shoulders and back, or squeezing her wrist, palm or the sole of her feet). Words tumble out in rapid fire sequence, unselfconsciously and uncontrolled.
A couple of classic examples: squeezing one part of her shoulder elicited a shout of "Badgers-badgers-otters-and-weasels!"
Another one yielded a loud "I-love-love-love-love-love-men-men-men-men-men!"
And it's true. She does.
I hung out with traceelement, and met the lovely Allura and mattblack last night. The plan also involved catching up with Pandie while she was in town but that didn't quite seem to work out.
I haven't put up many fun TFOG stories lately. You might be interested to hear about how she responds when I massage her (which can mean poking parts of her shoulders and back, or squeezing her wrist, palm or the sole of her feet). Words tumble out in rapid fire sequence, unselfconsciously and uncontrolled.
A couple of classic examples: squeezing one part of her shoulder elicited a shout of "Badgers-badgers-otters-and-weasels!"
Another one yielded a loud "I-love-love-love-love-love-men-men-men-men-men!"
And it's true. She does.
no reason. I just wanted to get your attention. 

look at you! you multiple meerkat, you.