I know I've dropped out for couple of weeks. I've started advanced training at Symbol for CNC machining. It's been taking up most of my time, with all the reading, homework, memorizing and all that good shit. Good times none the less.
Other than that, nothing much has been happening. I, like most Chicagoians, are enduring the freezing weather. It's 10 degrees right now and my car had a bitch of a time getting started. Fucking hate that shit>:-( And you know what's really, extremely weird? On Monday, it was in the 60's!?!?!? The next day, about 15 degrees. Gotta love that Midwest weather.
That's about it. Like I said, nothing is happening now. Hopefully, my next blog will be more eventful. Cheers!
-Take it EZ

Other than that, nothing much has been happening. I, like most Chicagoians, are enduring the freezing weather. It's 10 degrees right now and my car had a bitch of a time getting started. Fucking hate that shit>:-( And you know what's really, extremely weird? On Monday, it was in the 60's!?!?!? The next day, about 15 degrees. Gotta love that Midwest weather.
That's about it. Like I said, nothing is happening now. Hopefully, my next blog will be more eventful. Cheers!
-Take it EZ

I sir am moving to Chicago! I know exciting right!!!
I do realize that! I am looking forward to meeting you! And it's cool I am not nutz at all they actually term it crazy but that's better than nuts right?